Indoor Getting Worried!! Seeds havent sproutted!!

Mar 16, 2012
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Ok so I'm germinating my 6 Purple Ryder seeds. Using WPT, placed in zip lock baggy, placed inbetween folded tshirt and sitting on cable box for some added warmth. It's now been 72 hours. Well 2 have sproutted root tips and I placed them in soil. Now the 4 remaining, 3 havent cracked at all and 1 has cracked and I can see the root tip but it hasent really come out of the shell I guess you could say so I figured it needed to come out some before I dropped it in soil. I've never seen seeds really take much longer than 48hrs, should I be concerned?
What temp you germing at?
What do you mean? What temp is it on the seeds? I dont know the room is about 68-70 but the seeds are a little warm from the cable box
ok thats enough... some seeds need 70+ to germ in 2-3 days. I like 80f myself...
Just give them a little more time.if there not showing tap roots in another thre to four days they might be duds I forgot to ask did you soak them in water till they sank,if you didn't they will take a little longer,good luck.
If the rest dont crack soon should i try and new germination method?
:clap: well done, heres another method some have found useful, soak seeds for 24 hours stirring occaisionally to knock the seeds down, then plant 1/2 inch in ground or peat pellet