Indoor getting too big for a tent


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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i have 5 fem Il Diavolo autos and they are getting very big--in a 6 ft tent--21/2 gallon pots--with a hps. the light is all the way to the top of tent and plants are within 5 inches of light.gonna have to take outside or tie them down chance to top--already budding.anyone grown these out?all info would be appreciated 100_5321.jpg100_5323.jpg100_5332.jpg
Put some holes around the top edge of the pots and tie those unruly bitches down, I use soft pipe cleaners but there is also rubber covered wire for that same job, what you lose in height, you will gain in width though. but has the added bonus of better light penetration.
Geez, I feel funny giving advice to a senior member of the forum, but I agree with countzero, and you should see if you can Lst them. As long as the limbs are supple they can be tied down. Those are pretty tall auto's........I didn't know they grew so tall........ I did lst my plant early on, so I am unsure how tall she would have been.........I have it posted if you want to take a look, nothing special, but you can see how I tied her down. I used string my self............
thanks--i kinda figured i would have to tie down--it just surprised me on height of plants at 5 weeks.i have a 7 ft auto outside so i may just move to the woods with her---i normally dont like to tie my plants down--i like the xmas tree look!!!
Well tbh I am surprised at how big they are too, looked em up and they are rudiralis and indica, so I wouldn't have expected them to bush quite that much either, but tie em down right and you get more pine forest than christmas tree, but its all good. Also you said hps light how much and when did you last change the bulb, because they could be streaching for the light I suppose.
400 watt brand new and light is less than 10 inches from them--they are just big.i have a auto samari jack outside in a 2 1/2 gallon pot that is 7 foot so some autos do get big.i will probably move them outside instead and let them go.--im an old farmer but new to these autos .i know what to expect with a photo outside.
Heh I work in a cab with less than 5ft head room so am used to keeping them short, midget porn is the best porn :)