New Grower germination method- paper towel or direct into soil


Jan 19, 2015
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Hey every one

Im waiting for my first pack of seeds to arrive and just wanted to get peoples opinion on whats a better germination method,
the paper towel or straight into the final pot any advice or opinions would be great :)

Thanks fog
Hi, Fog :)
For a long time, I was putting my seeds in paper towels, and got good results-maybe one failed seed per 20-25 popped.. Then..... I started dropping my seeds into shot glasses, with a couple teaspoons of water. Usually, the seeds pop within 24hours-48 max- and into the coco or soil they go. 100% success rate.
Now, if using shot glass, make sure the room temp isn't too cold-that can keep a seed from popping. But, since shot glassing it, I've been most happy :)
Hope that helps!
I generally go straight to soil but I think I'll try Waxi's shot glass technique w/ the next grow ... as soon as I see the seed swell and pop I'll put it in the soil about 1/4" deep and spray it to keep it moist ... I put it in soil now about 1/4" below the surface and have had nearly 100% success ... but I like Waxi's idea better cause if it doesn't pop you know it before wasting a week ...
The shot glass method works wonders for me Just like waxi said, usually about 24 hours and their ready for the dirt. Usually I leave the glass on my modem, or the hood on my fish tank for warmth. Works great!
Thanks for the feedback waximus & chester
I think I will try waximus shot glass idea, like chester said if it dosn't pop your not wasting time but hopfully they all pop :)

Thanks fog
Thanks for the feedback waximus & chester
I think I will try waximus shot glass idea, like chester said if it dosn't pop your not wasting time but hopfully they all pop :)

Thanks fog
Exactly! Now, I've had a couple seeds that took 3 days to pop in a shot glass, but any longer and I'd call it a lost seed :smokeit:
And, @Chester :) :pighug:
Thank you for the generous rep! ANOTHER benefit of shot glass germination!! lolol
But what's the advantage? I'm approaching my first grow and curious myself. What advantage is there to paper towels or shot glasses over just dropping the seed in the dirt?
Interesting topic,
For my first auto seeds I followed the guidelines of the seed supplier where I ordered from. They have a replacement guarantee based on following their method on how you germinate. Starts with a pill bottle lined with fine sandpaper. Lightly shake seeds for about a minute, then into the glass of RO or distilled water for 12 to 18 hours max. then into the paper towels. Sprouts to be planted in medium once tap root is 1/4 to 1/2 inch.
This is pretty much a method I use when working with old photo seeds to try and get them to pop.

Not saying this method is right but sure covers all the bases.
I had a bad experience with my first batch but had documented the process and they replaced my entire order. Only 30% had popped.
My bad experience was using a heat matt with the paper towel between plates. It got too warm! When I asked my friend about the heat matt he said, Oh, I forgot to tell you that particular matt gets real warm.

Lets smoke another bowl! Lol