I've always started seeds directly under a light, about two or three inches away from the buld, while they are in the damp paper towel, from day one. I put about 10/12 good looking seeds in a moist towel rolled up, standing in a glass directly under a small 60 watt bedroom lamp on the kitchen counter which provides both light and heat. I turn it on in the morning and off at night. As soon as they pop I unroll the towel in the morning to see what's up, and as they push out both top and bottom I'll move them to the top edge of the towel so the leaves grow up out of the towel and towards the light. Eventually I'll have maybe 8 or 9 strong ones on the top which I move to pots. The root might be two or three inches long by this time, and it's best to get them in the soil or medium as soon as possible. But this method has some slack, so if you don't have time to pot it up now, it will wait a day or so.
I think this method is superior to many because of the heat as well as the light from the bulb, just like the sun.