Genius Pipe 9th June 2017

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@GeniusSteve Thank You for Being our Guest Today,Take your time and the Auto Warriors will do the rest....:highfive: for an awesome product....One Question i have is,the "insert" pic looks easy to change,how hard are they to printout or what do they cost from your catalog??
Welcome genius Steve can you smoke wax or just dry herb also I like the design it would match my firefly
Not sure Im doing this right...Does anyone have a question I can help with?
This is it.. take your time, make a few posts well give you a few to get used to this
The insert on the pipe is printed with electroplating and then anodized on top. The temple technology came from thermal dynamic technology. The same dimple tech is used in cooling nuclear reactors and also computer processors. The technology has been in existence for a long time and has tried and true and still being used today

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Think we all have the

for the
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