Genius Pipe 9th June 2017

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Genius Steve Everybody !!!
any body got sum spare parchment paper or have i got to go next door and ask my mum does she have any at 11pm AGAIN
sorry guys im here
just razz'n ya man don't worry.
your not the first to get lost on the way in. ..
I'm gonna go ahead and say welcome to AFN bro... I'm lovin the looks of this unit...
why don't you start by telling the people alittle about yourself and the product
we got alotta dab heads in here.... can she rock concentrates?
Oh I must have missed your answer @GeniusSteve How much did you say our discount was and what was that code again ???:rofl:
Alright!!! Welcome to AFN @GeniusSteve glad you could make it. :worship:

That pipe is awesome... Thank you so much for the chance to test drive it :baked:..
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