Genius Pipe 9th June 2017

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bubba cheese
:crying: Boom! there it is, looking cryo-frozen with resins! :d5: FD on the spot!:tang:
@GeniusSteve , you really can't be walking around here naked.. Have a little of this to cover up with..:slap::slap:.. Now you like you belong...

so @GeniusSteve if its not aluminium that your smoking off of... what is it? titanium? nickel?
:crying: Boom! there it is, looking cryo-frozen with resins! :d5: FD on the spot!:tang:

always mate. That was one of the best pheno/genos ive crossed with

wish I had smell o vision

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Come for a visit and i promise that there is more than bubba... to help the smell is of coffee and earth
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