Genius Pipe 9th June 2017

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Nice isn't it.. some IT guy I know makes them:bighug:

Do what??? Maybe its time for a calabo with @GeniusSteve and his team to get some AFN approved stock. I know he said numbers are key but i bet if we could work with them to get a design down the numbers wouldn't be an issue i figure.

How many of you guys would like to see that happen??
@GeniusSteve the pipe has a "signature" design..has there been any other style/shapes tried using the dimple tech?
lmfao this reminds me. wheni was in dallas. at the ufc. an older Scottish/brit guy. asks us. av yous eva heard of pantara. its a local band....

I laughed so hard.
wtf....over there by the unicorns and giants....
Do what??? Maybe its time for a calabo with @GeniusSteve and his team to get some AFN approved stock. I know he said numbers are key but i bet if we could work with them to get a design down the numbers wouldn't be an issue i figure.

How many of you guys would like to see that happen??
I'm on board. I need at least 1 pipe with afn plate, and a few stones. ol lady might want 1 as well. so possibly 2.
Just have to share this master piece....

Do what??? Maybe its time for a calabo with @GeniusSteve and his team to get some AFN approved stock. I know he said numbers are key but i bet if we could work with them to get a design down the numbers wouldn't be an issue i figure.

How many of you guys would like to see that happen??
i think at least 22k people would want one under the tree this festivus
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