Genetically modified cannabis?

Combining hops and cannabis would be cool, and probably possible as they are closely related. Imagine, if you will, a beer made from hops that had a 1:1 ratio THC/CBD …
Rather than make beer from GMO hops that make cannabinoids, if you're doing real genetic engineering, why not go with simple fermentation using recombinant yeast (like making beer) or bacteria (like yogurt)?

Otherwise for many reasons cited, there is unlikely to be much, if any, commercial development of GMO cannabis plants/seeds. Rather, I think we will first see genetic modification with cannabis cell culture for production of pharmaceutical cannabinoids.
That's an interesting point. Remove the "high" and leave all the other positive effects for pharmaceutical uses. I feel like I recently read there was some interest in doing the same thing with psilocybin. Removing the psychoactive compounds but trying to leave the helpful medical effects.

I am curious if we won't see custom blends of cannabis as legalization spreads. The same way we see boutique coffee roasters with nicely blended beans for just the right taste, color, etc....
I think that genetic modifications are okay but it kinda cuts out the little guy. I just read about the American Chesnut being modified so it could be reintroduced without disease issues. They also say that is what we need to do to save the Cavendish Banana, and the Date Palm.
For cannabis I would prefer the wildest possible seeds, not messed with by anyone (including/especially 'breeders')
Just my thought about "wild" seeds... They don't exist any more. :shrug:
Humanity has been cultivating Cannabis for thousands of years. It being for their seeds, fiber, medicinal or recreational purposes. What you will find are geographical or cultural different strains. ie, strains grown for hash production in Afghanistan or the famous (Sativa) Thai sticks. Just to name a few. Even the Ruderalis species which you could find in the wild rural regions of Russia are these days contaminated with hemp genes from farming. We even took the Auto gene to create the auto's that are these days far and wide spread.
Beat me to the draw. Pretty much all the cannabis we are likely to get our mitts on is modified, the only question is how it was done.

Having said that, it is pretty hard to introduce, say, fish genes, by selecting cannabis plants, so extra mischief is possible in the lab, as are potential unexpected complications. Kinda hard to put the genie back in the bottle sometimes...

Happy growing of relatively unmodified weed peeps. :biggrin:
I'm ready for them to irradiate thousands of cannabis plants with nuclear radiation until they create one with so much resin it drips off buds like the cut branch of a pine tree.

Hopefully the super plant they create will contain potent cannabinoids throughout the entire plant - including fan leaves.

After that, they can stop if they want to.
Worth taking a moment to differentiate the difference between Genetically Modified (GM) vs Genetically Engineered (GE). GM organisms are not manipulated using a guy in a lab coat, but rather your farmer choosing to save seeds of certain traits over generations. Example, teo sinte being selectively breed into corn. GE can take many forms but so far has been dominated by scientists gleaning genetic code from another organism and inserting it into the genetic code of another, a highly unnatural method. Example, Bt Corn. I eat organic when plausible because of all the GE food they are putting out, but I can see the importance of learning GE as we might need all our tools to keep crops going once we ruin the earth via global warming. The biggest mistake of GE so far has been the lack of oversight from the government. Fucking Monsanto should burn, money grubbing whores. Every successful GE product to date has increased corporate profits and not farmer profits. I could go on forever but don’t forget just a little over 100 years ago 100% of farmers’ seed were farmer owned, now that figure is in the single digits. In order to fully bring out the genetic traits of the GE crops farmers are often expected to buy a spray/product marketed by the same company that sold the seeds. It’s a money making scheme being labeled as the only way to feed all these humans. I really hope no one is dumb enough to GE a cannabis plant, there is no need for it as of yet. If they made glow in the dark tobacco using firefly genes why not cannabis?

even GE has limitations check out golden rice, marketed to solve a lack of beta carotene in countries that eat a lot of rice. Yet they were unable to make a product that had enough beta carotene to impact diet deficiency, plus the general population was uninterested in eating yellowish rice. I think it failed because there was limited way for a company to profit as the gene was likely able to be passed on in a natural way. Grow organically everyone. Lose the Haber Bosch fertilizers and use composts and POOP!