FUNKSH PIPE Interview 16th June 2017

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I like bush!
HSO blue dream

Fast buds GSC

Mephisto 24 Carat
That is one nice looking unit made for a heavy smoker . It looks like a pipe that could go day or two before a good cleaning being needed the screen looks TOUGH that is a huge thing for me. You have a well built nice looking RIG and Titanium to boot. What materials are used to make the screen?
a real bush dweller's tool
cheers Fairlynew!
That is one nice looking unit made for a heavy smoker . It looks like a pipe that could go day or two before a good cleaning being needed the screen looks TOUGH that is a huge thing for me. You have a well built nice looking RIG and Titanium to boot. What materials are used to make the screen?

Yes it's definitely engineered for durability and it takes several days I would say for a heavy smoker before they need to clean it and it's very easy to do so. The screen will also last forever those are made out of surgical stainless steel.
There are so many things we can do with this little pipe I agree.
I like the concept, can't tell you how many glass pieces I broke in the past from this nerve issue. Before CBD I would just have tremors and drop pieces. Funksh where were you 10 years ago?
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