Looks fantastic there! I would advise picking up a jewelers loupe or a USB microscope. There are some macro phone lenses you can get that will allow you to look at the trichome colors in detail.
I suggest a USB microscope. I could not hold a loupe steady enough to look through, but I am 72. You may have better luck with a steadier younger hand. In any case, the USB microscopes are all over the place for price and quality. I bought the Plugable brand off of Amazon. It works well and I liked the arm/mount. It is a standard 1/4" thread and is compatible with photography equipment. A tripod with an extendable arm makes it much easier to position and use. Or a cheap microphone stand from a used music store, just clamp the "scope" part in the end.
That said, if you are looking at the trichomes under magnification you should be able to tell a color difference. They typically go from clear, to milky, to amber. Harvest is personal preference as the more amber color the stronger the sedative effect can be. Most of the advice on here is to shoot for the window where they are almost all milky and 10-20% amber spread throughout.
Here is a shot I took with the USB microscope a while ago: You can see some clear heads, some milky, and a few amber.
Amazon product ASIN B00XNYXQHE