This is what each one says on there site
1-MICROBE Life / Photosynthesis Plus ''Enhances plant functions at the foliar level and the root zone in both soil and soilless substrates. Enhances photosynthesis and biological function by allowing plants to capture and utilize radiant energy more efficiently. Speeds uptake and distribution of essential macro- and micro- nutrients required for all plant metabolic functions and growth. Promotes plant vigor and reduces input costs while increasing yields''
2-MICROBE Life / Nourish-L ''Enhances the ability of plants to absorb nutrients more efficiently, optimizing plant functions and facilitates greater results using less nutrients. Aids in micronutrient uptake, increases water retention and provides vegetative humic acids. Supplements water, mineral, carbon and essential element requirements''
3-MICROBE Life / Vegetable & Fruit Yield Enhancer ''Speeds seed germination, root development and shoot outgrowth. Additionally, it increases nutrient value, enhances overall plant vigor and yield''
Specifically created for foliar applications, root dips and root drenches, this supplement to ML/Photosynthesis Plus and ML/Nourish-L, combines the high concentration of photosynthetic cultures with natural, rare earth humates and essential elements for improved plant biology.
What it does:
Enhances metabolism plus increases chlorophyll and nutrient availability. Works well with all nutrient/fertilizer programs and all soil and soilless media.
I think they are all 16oz bottles