Mephisto Genetics Frankidelics presents to you the Sour Hound!


The Prime Minister
Oct 23, 2015
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Hey everyone!

After a week of stress and struggle caused by the police who confiscated everything I had, I AM BACK!

The story behind this little seed is worth mentioning:

She was in a glass of water in a cupboard for germination when the police raided the flat, and guess what?! After opening the cupboard TWICE and staring at the glass, the officers saw nothing!!!
I really wonder how she did it! She managed to go completely unnoticed! She was so tiny hehe!
Well, thank you Mephisto for making tiny seeds!!! :D

She's a Sour Hound F1, by the way (limited edition) and not the F2 that's now part of the Original Line..

As I had to buy some new equipment, I will be using a different soil and different nutrients from now on.
It's not that I wasn't happy with the results I was getting from Plagron and AN, but I always wanted to try and grow organically anyways... Plus BioBizz is ridiculously cheap compared to Advanced Nutrients...!

So, what I did is I placed some All Mix in the bottom half, and some Light Mix in the top half, of a 10L airpot.
I think it means no feeding for about a month, is that right?

And this time I'll simply be using tap water rather than mineral water (which was becoming costly too...).

By the way, using organics means no need for a flush, right?

I'll update with pics right now :)

WOW bro no holding you back after a setback like that,sorry to hear about the raid its just so sad they do this over a FUCKING PLANT.did they tell you how they found out and have they just taken your stuff and given you a slap on the wrist.i will be subbed for this if you dont mind.good look bro

EDIT just seen the thread when they busted you so i now know how they found out
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Using organics means you don't "need" to flush. I do anyway. A really good flush a few days before harvest makes for a super smooth smoke that burns white/grey.
WOW bro no holding you back after a setback like that,sorry to hear about the raid its just so sad they do this over a FUCKING PLANT.did they tell you how they found out and have they just taken your stuff and given you a slap on the wrist.i will be subbed for this if you dont mind.good look bro
Thanks a lot bro, I appreciate it!!
Yeah it's so fucking ridiculous... At first they wanted to charge me for trafficking man, then they handed up charging me for 'acquisition', 'detention', and 'use' of narcotics. The legal system is a real mess over here, but if my understanding is correct, they didn't charge me for production either, because it would have made me a 'criminal' (producing is a crime here, no matter what 'drug').
Everything I grow is for myself, and this is what I have to base my defense case on.. Well, judgment is in December so I still have some time to figure it out :)
Plus I'm against all that BS. I might just invoke the 'rule to higher law' and take it to the European Human Rights Court if I have to LOL!
What's even more ridiculous is that they came because a neighbour complained because of LOUD MUSIC!! Can you believe it? Loud music. And they can come for a motive and then end up convicting you for another motive. Plus in this country warrants don't even exist!!! :-O
Well, I won't play 'loud' music again, that's for sure..! Next time I'll simply use my headphones..!
Thanks for passing by!!!
Using organics means you don't "need" to flush. I do anyway. A really good flush a few days before harvest makes for a super smooth smoke that burns white/grey.
Thanks!!! Well a little flush never hearts anyway :)
I guess a week's enough in this case?
Thank you!!
I feed my soil with activated tea, so the last week and a half, roughly 3-4 of the last times I use h2o only. The last one is a big flush, typically 4x the usual amount of h2o I water with or until it goes clear.
Up that timer to 20 hrs on 4 off ;) you wont regret it. Beside that have fun with the Sour Hound shes a Terpy Beast Good Luck with her.