Mephisto Genetics Found a really good pre-made grow medium

I'm going to use it in comp. Give my plants that extra kick to win! Been on the same dirt since start and half that was used before me lol. Got to love MC
If you guys want to see it in action check this out ---

crags82 is using it with a dry fert mix (gaia green) and working wonders lol

Picking myself up a bag tomorrow :smoking:
When I read the first post and noticed it was a Lowe's kept outside, my IMMEDIATE thought was BUGS. Not even 10 min later you add this link to a grower using it. Within the first posts the person had Fungus gnats, yet NEVER had them before. He got them from this soil. I for one would never buy a soil that knowingly has bugs. That is my biggest fear and chances are your discounted soil sitting outside for months has some free insects for you. Not worth the risk. Don't skimp on medium. Get high Quality for a little more upfront cost.
Thank you for the info, just looked it up at the Root Farm site, is this the same as "Root Farm Hydro Potting Mix"? - i noticed the brand at Canadian Tire stores made by Scotts Miracle-Gro
Yes, the one I use is the potting mix. I just water them with oxygenated water and nutes as they need it, as determined by the trusty old "pick it up and feel it" measurement. I did not water until water came out of the bottom of the plants bag each time as so many say you must. I did give them a flush with Fox Farms Big Bloom amended water about once a month, and I would just have maybe a quart of water leak out of the bottom when I "flushed".
I have always made my own organic supersoil to grow in and I never was satisfied with my results after seeing all of these great growers we have on this forum. And this stuff really just blows the supersoil out of the water. I am not happy to find out that Scott makes it, but it is such a freakin' good soil for me, that I just don't care. Don't even want to hear it. LOL. Good luck to all of ya
When I read the first post and noticed it was a Lowe's kept outside, my IMMEDIATE thought was BUGS. Not even 10 min later you add this link to a grower using it. Within the first posts the person had Fungus gnats, yet NEVER had them before. He got them from this soil. I for one would never buy a soil that knowingly has bugs. That is my biggest fear and chances are your discounted soil sitting outside for months has some free insects for you. Not worth the risk. Don't skimp on medium. Get high Quality for a little more upfront cost.
Hey Dude, ya know.... you never know what can happen with any product you buy, even the stuff we buy to make our supersoil is likely to not be as stated or something. I have done three different grows with this stuff, two inside, and one outside and I have never had as much as a dog dick gnat on one of my inside plants. But I sure as fuck did with my home made super soil. So, whatcha gonna do? I'm gonna grow the fuck outta me some reefer with this dirt! LOL
When I read the first post and noticed it was a Lowe's kept outside, my IMMEDIATE thought was BUGS. Not even 10 min later you add this link to a grower using it. Within the first posts the person had Fungus gnats, yet NEVER had them before. He got them from this soil. I for one would never buy a soil that knowingly has bugs. That is my biggest fear and chances are your discounted soil sitting outside for months has some free insects for you. Not worth the risk. Don't skimp on medium. Get high Quality for a little more upfront cost.
Also, maybe I didn't explain well enough. Up until I got lucky with the pallet, I was having to get the bags inside the store, where they always kept it. The only reason it was outside, and the only reason I got it for a buck a bag..... Was because it was end of growing season and they litteraly were throwing that pallet away. So, I guess I shot you down on that one too, huh? Sorry
Hey Dude, ya know.... you never know what can happen with any product you buy, even the stuff we buy to make our supersoil is likely to not be as stated or something. I have done three different grows with this stuff, two inside, and one outside and I have never had as much as a dog dick gnat on one of my inside plants. But I sure as fuck did with my home made super soil. So, whatcha gonna do? I'm gonna grow the fuck outta me some reefer with this dirt! LOL
Good luck. I don't do soil because I don't want bugs. I would love to run some nice organics in soil. But I have too much to lose. Too many bugs in soil. I harvest weekly, I don't need bugs. I am curious to see how this works for you. I see they have a Coco version too.
Good luck. I don't do soil because I of bugs. I would love to run some nice organics in soil. But I have too much to lose. Too many bugs in soil. I harvest weekly, I don't need bugs. I am curious to see how this works for you. I see they have a Coco version too.
I totally understand where you're coming from. Too big of a risk to introduce something foreign. Best of luck and good vibes to ya!