Indoor found a plant pushing out seeds (correction)


Bud Brother
Jun 11, 2014
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hey guys and gals, i have a few questions and an issue. i found one of my fast and vasts dropping all its hairs and its calyxes cracking opening up and showing little green bananas. is this basically a hermie? i dont see pollen sacs or anything. I have heard that sleep cycles that arent completely dark (ie, small lights on power strips etc...) can cause hermie although, i have no idea why that would be.
should i just scrap it? plants are barely 50 days old.
also other plants have their hairs turning red and some fallin off.
its hard to see but the calyx are splitting open and poppin nanners out but you can see the hairs comin off
Hey man, I thought I would chime in. The plant looks great, is it definitely nanners you can see? Isn't she almost done? Those hairs would suggest she is. Hermies are bad news if they stay around fems but if only 50 days old not worth the risk. You sure it's not just new tiny leaves being produced? Hard to see.
it is hard to get a good picture of. camera isnt great at all. theyre definitely doin something i dont want them too lol. here if you look dead in the center you can see just a little better
If you're worried segregate it from the herd. Looks like your almost home with it. It would be a shame to waste all those shiny crystals
yeah i could at least make an extract with it