Indoor Forge F2, with a Black Strap in the middle

Better look from the side. Forge hasn’t had any training apart from a little leaf tucking and branch guiding.

Black Strap topped above 3rd node. Zero leaf thinning.
Day 43. Each one got some pollen from the choice Forge male on lower branches.

I’m so impressed. Cheers to @FullDuplex
Filling out nicely.
Added some Earth Dust Boost almost three weeks ago.

The Forge wants a bit more, so next watering I’ll do a Boost tea.

Day 61.
blackstrap fading quickly into glory.
the F2 Forge was hungrier than i anticipated. Not much smell anymore on this one. Looks like a lot of the Amvil F5 showing on this one?
Curious to see what lies in the F3 seeds maturing on her.

The blackstrap smells like cookies no doubt
Woooops. Got busy the past few weeks.

the BLackstrap came down on Halloween, Day 74.
The Forge didnt quite get a final pic that one came down on Day 84 it suffered some N deficiencies midway thru the grow Got those corrected snd it came thru the be a deeply purple flower. Maybe some of that Anvil F5 parentage coming through? Remember this Forge was an F2 tester via a DCSE order. The smell is maybe close to a general soapy smell? Faint aroma resin was very light probably 10-12% thc? Smoke TBD

now. The blackstrap is simply divine. Curing jars smell like cookie jars almost snickerdoodle. 4 ounces in the jar even after all the early samples and sharing. All from a 3 gallon love it

Got a few hundred seeds of the Forge and BS, pollenated by a Forge F2 male Hooray
