Food Grade Aloe Vera Gel ... can this be used on plants

I grow inside in a tent. Keep the environment pretty much on point most of the time. Like high 70s and 40-50% humidity. Last couple times I did like lasagna layers. Put a straight sohum soil in the bottom third of the pot , and a light mix on top so the seedlings (hopefully!)don’t burn. In the middle a mix of both. Seeds have been going straight into the pots they’re going to be grown in. Used to mess with the peat pucks but lost a lot of babies to too much moisture. And I don’t feed much nutrients at all. I Had bad luck with over feeding with bottles , knocking the PH all out of wack when I started so now I just top dress some dry nutrients when they flower and just feed them water if I can get away with it.I want to start reusing my soil. Usually it goes out into the flower bed or vegetable garden after but I want to reuse it if I can . I’ve burned a few autos in my short career so im a little paranoid about making it too hot I also want to start making my own soil instead of buying the bags . Seems like I could save some dough there if I can make my own base soil out of peat moss and compost and then add in some other goodies

Mixing your own soil makes sense. For example, I made the 2.0 Soil Mix using Spaughmum Peat Moss and Bu's Blend Compost that I purchased locally. Since I am a small grower, I suspect that I have a lifetime supply of the nutrient mix. AJrexxx mentioned Craft Blend and Build A Bloom. Build A Bloom is a water-soluble nutrient for flowering. They also have a top dressing called Build A Flower. THis is great for top dressing at any time. Highly recommended.
Mixing your own soil makes sense. For example, I made the 2.0 Soil Mix using Spaughmum Peat Moss and Bu's Blend Compost that I purchased locally. Since I am a small grower, I suspect that I have a lifetime supply of the nutrient mix. AJrexxx mentioned Craft Blend and Build A Bloom. Build A Bloom is a water-soluble nutrient for flowering. They also have a top dressing called Build A Flower. THis is great for top dressing at any time. Highly recommended.
My current soil mix (thanks to @pop22 for inspiration and guidance), and the results so far:
2021 soil.jpg

SSSC Auto Ellephant at about D33 as I recall:

That is a 30 liter pot, she is a big happy girl, really starting to put on the stretch since this pic was taken a couple days ago. :biggrin: The soil was cooked for weeks after mixing.

A proprietary soil mix was not necessary so far...:biggrin: