Hi guys,
Very sorry for disappearing a month and a half. I live a busy life and have had some major changes over the New Years. Anyhow, I promised to come to some conclusions regarding this grow and the about 100% increase from my very similar last grow. Mind you all, two weeks ago I started my new grow (yes I've had few weeks break in between rounds). Il be posting this as well, later today. This new grow will again have some small changes and tweaks, - and sees me return to a few things I did not do in this threads' grow - although this next time I'll actually happy to just replicate this yield, cause that will be more weed than I can possibly smoke between two grow anyway, if I'm to keep my customers (professional, not weed
)and my social life haha. I believe there is a possibility to even double this yield with my tek in such a cramped space, but I am also quite possitive that this might be down to finding four same phenos to grow at the same time, and unless someone nails the genetics one is down to luck when picking four plants out of whatever number you set off with. That's the one big drawback with autos, not being able to clone a genetically superior phenotype. Then again, it's also one of the perks if you ask me, that every plant you grow gets to be unique.
So. Major changes in tek and routine this grow from last grow were the following:
The scrog cages
Previous grow I had the issue of one plant growing tall and bushy, significantly more so than the other three that fitted in my cabinet. This resulted in my bushy girl shadowing the others, resulting in a plants race to grow above the canopy inside the cabinet, leaving me with spiny and unnecessarily tall plants, that could hardly support its own weight. I had just switched from soil to coco, which promoted root grow massively and I wasn't prepared for meter high RRF Autos. I'd never before grown them this tall in only about 2 gallons of soil. That's when I came up wit the cages. I went shopping for something cheap and simple to use and found thread drawers (I don't know the proper English name for them) used in certain wardrobe systems. The principle idea was to make sure each plant grows the same height to benefit uniformly from my led panel. Hopefully the cage shape would maximise potentialt bud sites reached by light and also make it easier to tuck away the dense foliage offered by the RRFs. From everything I've read on Internet regarding autos I've always avoided pruning my plants, so tucking away leaves get essential to make light reach buds and lower parts.
The cages would also leave enough space in between themselves and the cabinets walls to fit low profile t5 light fittings, one along each tall side of the cages, for a total of two per plant or eight in all. These were used to promote budding and branching all over the cage. One flowering branch through every mesh square of the cages is the goal. Last time I could not fit these extra lights and bud sites and branching was also a lot lower in numbers.
The reason I want/need the cages and not a single screen is to get maximum green growth from the 10-12 weeks of life one gets from ones plants. With one single plant I'd have troubles getting the same kind of growth in total. And if I place four plants on one screen then they're stuck in the cabinet should I need to evacuate, for instance. Also I can move and turn them around individually to even out the effects on the different LED lenses and positions. Also I can take them out and easily access the full inner and outer premises of the cage to train and tuck, through the one big opening in each cage. A very big advantage opposed to having one big screen stuck to your grow area as well as you plant(s)
Look at photos in above threads to get a good idea of how they actually worked out, which was very good indeed.
One drip feeding unit instead of two
I stepped down from using two, to using one single Claber unit for my drip feeding, since I worked out I could actually connect all forty drippers needed towards the end of a grow to one unit even though the units only ships with 20 drippers each. It only affects the amount of feedings possible before one has to refill its reservoir and I like to keep feed batches small to be fresh. Thought I could cut out on some work having to set up both units. I like to keep things as simple as humanly possible. Well, I am not so sure this was the way to go. The one thing I experienced as being inferior to my last grow this time, was the root balls of my ladies. There were more and denser roots last grow and I theorise that dropping one of the Claber units might be behind this. Something I seem to remember from - and at the very least thinking while - reading up on drip to waste in coco is that more frequent and smaller feedings/waterings promote more even and vivid root production since the plant is being fed and aerated on a more constant base. When cutting out one of the drip units I went from a daily two possible feedings of up to four different volumes per feeding/dripper, to up to four feedings a day of a lot more different volumes per feeding, should I want to. Half the volume, twice as often, if one would like to summarise in one sentence. For my new grow, being published in a thread within a day or so from now, I've gone back to using both units in an effort to get more clarity on this matter. In short: I'll be hoping for even more roots to get even more green growth along the perimeter of my cages by going back to four feedings a day instead of two. A note though, I regularly do extra drip feedings when determining the volume needed for each plant in a given stage of the growth. The ramblings on Claber units in this passage has to do with the automated drip feedings I rely on to keep things really simple (KISS). Even when only feeding twice a day with one unit hooked up, I'd still now and then reset the unit to give extra feeding and watering to dial in my numbers. Also, easily being able to give multiple extra waterings come in handy should one for any reason need to flush ones medium.
Removing the air stones
Previous grow I added one small air stone to each Claber unit. The idea is to try and get more oxygen to the plants roots and to stir the nutritions around a bit. I've read all different input on this, from you have to do it, to you mustn't do it. I took them away this grow and as stated below I experienced less root mass, or at least that's my impression. I did not weigh any roots although maybe one should to really know what helps. I think I'll go back to using them at the same time while I'm adding my second Claber unit back to the setup and see what that does to my grow tek.
Those were the three main changes between my still satisfying 10week ~100g yield grow, and the follow up 11week ~200g grow bonzai SCROG cage grow : ) later today I will add a smoke report to this thread and fire up a new thread for my current grow. Peace .