Sledgehammer organic??? If not what can I use that's simular & organic....great info BTW
Molasses or no molasses is a controversial subject - some say it further clogs the soil, some say it finishes up the taste if all the plants can get is the molasses and no other nutrient - so what I typically do (and my buds taste great, imo) is run a flushing solution (not clearex though, a saponin/yucca extract based solution.. like fox farms sledgehammer) for my first flush watering - this cleans up any mineral buildups so the plants can absorb any left over nutrients. It will also inhibit the mycos for a bit (they'll slow down, not die - slow down. Read about the effects of saponin on mycos... they will NOT die, but they don't feed "properly"). Next I water with plain bubbled tap water that's sat for 24 hours.. this makes sure the plant is taking up any trace nutrients left. Then I water from there until I feel the buds are really ready with water and molasses(molasses feeds the myco again, so like a victory meal). (Sometimes another week and a half, sometimes another week - sometimes two weeks - NEVER more as you can stunt the plants final "Hoorah" and cause it to throw some nanners.) I don't adjust the PH of my tap at this point either, because PH up/down are still chemicals.