Harvest & Curing Flushing your plants

Never used any flushing product to flush...since I use organic nutes, I really don't flush at all...just use well water the last week or two...

thought id pick your brain if you dont mind Automan would you recomend flushing when using bio bizz products or shall i just water with phd tap water or normal tap water? does the ph mater the final week you water as there isnt any significant need for any nutes uptake? :peace: Si
I flush every month with tap water pHed at between 6.0 and 6.5.

For harvesting purposes I flush for 1 week prior to cutting, with the same pHed water. For me it's important to flush with the correct pH as i find it of no use to stress the plant with a different pH environment for the last week of them life's.
Well, this is really a good idea Hugo.It helps to grow plants in a good manner. I always cut plants twice in a month. Although, I use some good compost for plants which are purely organic. The sunlight and sufficient water supply help my plants to grow faster and live for a long time. And frankly speaking my garden is looks like a heaven. You all are invited here.
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