I'll do my best to explain clearly.. but bear in mind I'm totally mashup
If you think of it in terms of what goes in the soil goes in the plant it can be misleading because that's not actually what happens. What really happens is that the particles of food (nutrient ions) have to sort of magnetically attach to different ions to make up a new particle that the plant can absorb. It's called
Chelation and is the process of making nutrients more available to the plant. So, when molasses goes into the soil.. the plant doesn't absorb molasses directly, it has to rely on the soil bacteria to eat the molasses, shit it out, and THEN the plant can use it. Now, just like our shit.. the soil bacteria's shit has an odour.. and part of that odour is the bio-chemical enzymes from the bacteria. Still following? Good.. I'm not but don't worry about that for now.
Now.. this bacterias enzymes are what help enrich the essential oils in cannabis and make it taste and smell better. And if we give the bacteria
unsulfured molasses they go fucking mental on it and start eating loads of organic matter in the soil.. and in turn that makes lots of nutrient available in the
chelated form that is instantly available and really easy for the plant to uptake.
I find it helps to think of it like this..
If I gave you a big steak and chips to eat.. you'd have to spend a bit of time cutting it up.. chewing each bite.. and so on.. take ages wouldn't it and your guts would have to work bloody hard to digest it all.. and that will make you feel tired and lethargic. But what about if I put it in a blender and liquidized it? Then you could get it all down you in two minutes with a straw and your body would digest it a lot easier.
That blending the steak is the chelating of nutrients.. so the plant gets a nice boost of good stuff that it doesn't have to work hard to break down and digest. Thus what happens is, overall, the plant gets more nutrients from the soil. But, we need to get out of the thinking that it's the molasses that's doing this, because it ain't, it's he soil bacteria.
Is that making any sense? Have I even answered your question? Lol.. sorry fella.. I'm trying.
Oh yeah.. and if it were me I wouldn't be using cal/mag while flushing since the tapwater / molasses will have some in it already and the girls won't need much of either as they're finishing.