Flushing: The Myth that won't Die

Im feeding water only this grow. No I'm not talking organics. I'm trying Grow Dots out on some autos. Water only start to finish. So I technically will be flushing the whole grow
Yes, I can see it as acceptable in a large op as a money saving protocol. But it's great to see/hear the myth finally dying. I mean, it even flys in the face of common sense, and as I've mentioned, even the science studies have failed to mention, WHERE do the remaining nutrients go?? To the buds! That plant will stavre it's self to death so that the buds survive in hopes of seed production! So the concept of removing nutrients from the buds is totally flawed. I'd like to see a total content test of buds flushed and unflushed. I'm willing to bet there is very little difference.

And what would it be different for organic? Why would you not flush organic but do so when using manufactured nutrients? There is NO difference. Once again, I'll ask, what is it you think your removing that isn't present in organics? Point me to the "nasty chemicals" that are supposedly present. Funny, NO ONE has ever answered that question, because they are merely repeating a myth started by some old "new ager hippy" who was enlightened by a 2 hour class in meditation...........

BTW the you is a general statement, not YOU SoH lol! You've seen the light!
I think it was some bro science from the good old bad days. I heard this one long before the internet believe it or not in southern Indiana. We never did it or put much thought into it because we were growing organic. Not because we were enlightened or any of that shit it was just cheaper and we did not have to go to a grow shop. Paranoia was on edge but the climate in Indiana was brutal on pot and it was not worth the risk to even try nutes when we had feed stores and no one would ask questions in that community.

Either way it was spread and unfortunately I am sure there are some people that still believe it. I myself cut my ppms down before chop when I grow in coco because it never made much difference for me when i experimented with it. I never go high in the first place though I usually cap at 800ppm then pull back to 400 or so.

I think the dark ages of prohibition made experts out of opportunists is the short version of that story. When I go to our local grow shop I hear people saying dumb shit all the time, but I have learned in my old age that some people would rather be wrong than corrected or educated more often than not especially when they see themselves as some sort of master grower. Seems like such a sad state to exist in.
Im feeding water only this grow. No I'm not talking organics. I'm trying Grow Dots out on some autos. Water only start to finish. So I technically will be flushing the whole grow

Sounds great !
What would be the difference between Grow Dots and Bio Tabs ?
I have never flushed per say but i do continue giving it straight water at the same amount as when feeding for the last ten days, If I do not do that I would end up with weed that burns my lips and tongue and is harsh and does not burn clean. Are you guys feeding right up to the time you pick? I realize what you say about the roots not being a sponge but the soil less mix does it not act like a sponge per say and collect excess minerals and salts. I am just curios
I usually feed up until harvest, but I don't go full strength. I haven't noticed bad tastes as a result, but there is one exception, so as always, never 100% sure.
Unless you feed just water right up until the buds show signs of dying, the amount of nutrient in the buds will be the same as if there was no "flush", The biological imperative of any plant to to propagate. The plant will sacrifice itself to feed the buds until it is no longer possible to do so. I'd guess by day 3-4 the plant is in panic mode and moving all nutrients to the buds.
Whenever I used synthetic or chelated nutrients I always watered only the last two weeks in soil cuz that is what I was taught on the web. I'm using grow dots now so I can't flush this run as it's water only. No mixing up nutes. Is watering like normal but with no nutes only the last two weeks ok without heavily flushing the soil? Or is it just not gonna matter in the final product if you feed to the finish line and don't water only til the end? There is a lot of mixed reviews in this thread. Should people use water only the last two weeks still or is that not necessary, it's just ok to feed right up til the chop?