Hi I'm just wondering is it a good/bad idea to flush the soil (1-3 times the pot size) to make the soil more moist and letting it run off and dry for a bit a while before germination?,I've seen some growing websites advising it and others never mention it or say just water a small part of the soil around the seed and expand as the days go by,I'm just concerned that if you add too much water to the soil before you add the seed could it cause too many nutrients to work its way to the seed during germination and cause damage,(I'm only using garden centre seedling and potting compost so I wouldn't say it's awfully abundant in pre-added nutes plus the soil also has a wetting agent added to it to help prevent the soil drying out and for maintaining moisture/adding moisture when water is added). On the other hand would not flushing cause the roots to become stressed when in contact with slightly drier soil in the pot whilst trying to grow? If I could avoid flushing beforehand it would be easier all around. Just wondering if it's necessary or not.Btw it's for an AutoMazar.