Outdoor flushing my meadow!

May 31, 2015
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apologies - that was a shit thread title!

gentlefellas and good ladies, i need a little bit of the hive mind here. - i have three beautiful little lowryders grown outdoor in biobizz and fertilized with biobizz veg and flowering. my question is, is it imperative to flush, any tips for doing it and what happens if i don't - i say this as i lopped the top of one of them yesterday - i know, I couldn't wait (i used to open my xmas presents before xmas, too) will that be okay to smoke (once dried and cured) or will it be the worst thing ever?

by way of mitigation, this is my first grow so i'm a bit of a divvy! apologies if these are the dopiest questions ever.

thank you in advance.

You're probably going to get the taste of fertilizer its recommended to flush any plant using nutrients even fruits and veggies but who knows the fert might give an interesting taste or high
I have done that more than once bro dry and get HIGH
As organic as BioBizz is and as much as I enjoy molasses I don't think you will taste the lack of a cleansing period in the cola ... try to just water w/ plain water for two weeks prior to harvesting the rest, many use 7-10 days ... some never cleanse, it's not as important w/ organic fertilizers ...
As organic as BioBizz is and as much as I enjoy molasses I don't think you will taste the lack of a cleansing period in the cola ... try to just water w/ plain water for two weeks prior to harvesting the rest, many use 7-10 days ... some never cleanse, it's not as important w/ organic fertilizers ...
As organic as BioBizz is and as much as I enjoy molasses I don't think you will taste the lack of a cleansing period in the cola ... try to just water w/ plain water for two weeks prior to harvesting the rest, many use 7-10 days ... some never cleanse, it's not as important w/ organic fertilizers ...
sir chester - that is great advice. very kind of you, sir.