Outdoor Flash seeds "Amazing Cherry"

Sep 12, 2018
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I'm new here, just found this site so I am going to post my plants in the middle of the project unfortunately but hey we've all seen seedlings under lights before so we can cut right to the interesting part. I started these inside for a few weeks and then I planted them out in 15 gallon gro bags full of a super soil I mixed up. I could do a whole thread on that process...anyway this site is very unique in that it has a shallow creek running through it and I placed bags in enough water to wick or draw up into the bag but not enough to flood them out. Totally eliminated watering, I only needed to check on these very periodically even in 38 Celsius heat. So a week ago I panicked due to cold temps and brought these three "Amazing Cherry" from Flash Seeds inside. They are under 24hr light now and its speeding up their development. One mistake I made was assuming the "days to maturity" estimate on the seed site was accurate. In the future I would put these outside as soon as the weather is appropriate and hope they finish by Sept because when it cools off and day length shortens they slow down I think.
cherry 1.jpg
cherry 2.jpg
cherry 3.jpg
Looking good!
they are about 6ft high w the grow bags. I will post more as they finish. I'm hoping to get a more conventional bud structure with the supposed lower amount of ruderalis in these.