Fix unbuffered coco after the fact?

Oct 17, 2016
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In my absence I've forgotten a few things, one of which was coco buffering. So I set my first plant back in action into unbuffered coco. That was over 30 days ago and despite many flushes with 1.6ec, it's still kinda fucky. It's also sitting in an Autopot, so that probably doesn't make it better. Think this case is a rescue or dump?
In my absence I've forgotten a few things, one of which was coco buffering. So I set my first plant back in action into unbuffered coco. That was over 30 days ago and despite many flushes with 1.6ec, it's still kinda fucky. It's also sitting in an Autopot, so that probably doesn't make it better. Think this case is a rescue or dump?

I'd start fertigating daily to 20% runoff with a balanced nutrient solution with additional ca and mg for the coco. What are you using for nutrients? :pass:
What do you mean by "coco buffering" - adjusting the pH, adding Ca/Mg before use, doing a good rinse/drain-to-waste with a lower dose of nutes, or what?

What coco is it? Is it a pre-buffered coco, which likely needs no buffering?

What problems are you seeing that suggests you need to 'buffer' the coco?

If there is problem with 'buffering,' I'd suggest treat that with your feeding vs. messing with the coco.
I never pre buffer my coco. It gets done as I top feed for the first 3 weeks. I try to keep things simple. I run autopots as well. There is a lot of missing info to just toss out answers though. Like above mentioned. What issues are you having? It sounds like it may be some thing other than not pre buffering.
How long do you top feed before going into the autopots. About day 21 - 30 is normal to get them into them. They need to establish some decent roots before first.
Did you top feed with good run off before dropping into the autopots?
Since you are in coco. This should all be easy to correct.