Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Think Big + Super Skunk

Jun 7, 2016
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Hey guys,

FINALLY got some more seeds cracked and going along nicely!

What strain is it? Dutch Passion - Think Big Auto + Vision Seeds - Super Skunk Auto
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Both Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedling
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? 75% Coco/25% Perlite
Size of light? 6x CFL's + 2x Mars ProII Epistar 160's
Is it aircooled? 2x 4" Passive intakes + 6" Inline Duct Fan + 6" Carbon Filter
Temp of Room/cab? Between 20-30 Celcius (Depending on season)
RH of Room/cab? Between 30%-75%
How often are you watering? Every 2-3 days or as needed
Type and strength of ferts used? Canna Coco A+B + Silica + Seasol+Cannazym+PK 13/14+Sensi Bio Diesel.

I will be using this nutrient schedule for the grow as I have used it before with great success. It may be tweaked slightly as things go on depending on what the girls ask for but generally I'll be sticking to this.

Day 1 to Day 14/Week 1 - 2
Canna Coco A & B 0.5 ml per liter if using Worm Casting at 50% or 1 ml per liter if using WC @ 30% or less
Seasol 4ml per liter
Silica 0.25ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 0.4 to 0.7

Day 14 to Day 28/Week 3-4
Canna Coco A & B 1.5 to 2 ml per liter
Seasol 4ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Silica 0.5ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.0 to 1.3

Day 28 to DAY 35/Week 5
Canna Coco A & B 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Seasol 4 ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
PK 13/14 1.5 ml per liter (Not recommended to use this for more than 1 week)
Boost 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Silica 1ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.8

Day 35 to Day 53/Week 6-7.5
Canna Coco A & B 2.0 to 2.5 ml per liter
Seasol 2 ml per liter
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Boost 3 to 4 ml per liter
Silica 1ml per liter
Total E.C. approx 1.5

Day 53 to Day 60/Week 8.5-9.5
Cannazym 2.5 ml per liter
Total E.C approx 0.2

So for this round I managed to pick up a nice wooden cabinet and thought it would be a great vege box to start the little seedlings in under some CFL's as I have done this previously and had good results. I've also been finding that the outside temperature is fluctuating too much in the garage and is causing stress. The vege box is small enough to keep inside and out of the way so I thought it would be a good way to keep the girls in a nice 20-27 celcius environment for their first week to week and a half of life.

I had some crappy dud seeds and because of this had a bit of delay between these two girls popping. Think Big cracked and sprouted first and is about a week older than Super Skunk.
Think Big is now 11 days old and will be transferring to the LED tomorrow. I will wait another week before putting Super Skunk under the same light.
I have also removed one of the Epistar 160's from the main grow cabinet to save on electricity as they are quite expensive to run. Not to mention two large LED's is way overkill for one tiny two week old plant. I don't intend to add the second LED until the plants get much larger and start producing buds. One Epistar 160 fills the cabinet quite nicley so I only really intend to use the second to try and get some major buddage happening.
I may add it a little earlier if I decide to crack more seeds over the coming weeks and have more than two plants going at one time. I haven't fully decided on this yet but will update if/when it happens.

Otherwise, all is well and the little girls seem happy and healthy. Both pots were precharged with a watered down week 1 mix from the schedule above and Think Big got a little feed of a full week 1 mix but with no run off as I want to let the some of the coco dry out a little and avoid over watering at this early stage.
Super Skunk will get a feed at around 9-12 days old depending on growth and how dry the medium is.

Enjoy the show!!


Think Big is now 21 days old and was topped yesterday. She doesn't seem to have had any negative reactions to it and is still looking good so I'm happy with her for now. LST will begin in about a week or two's time depending on her growth.
You'll notice some brown/rust patches on her leaves in the pics below. This was due to some nutrient spillage when feeding. I thought I cleared it all up but obviously didn't, however she doesn't seem too worried about it so neither am I.

Super Skunk on the other hand is now 10 days old but looking slightly mangled. I'm not sure what the go is here as she has had exactly the same environment for her first 10 days of life as Think Big and started from a good looking seed with a strong tap root. So who knows what her problem is but I don't think she will be strong enough to top. She still has 10 days to build herself up but I don't think she will get there. If not, I will still do some LST and try to get as many bud sites going as I can.

I'll also be cracking some more seeds in the next couple of weeks as I need to get some larger yields since the last round wasn't so good. So keep an eye out for a new journal soon. I will keep this one going, but like to keep the rounds separated for organisational purposes. Also makes it a little easier to follow along on what is happening.

Think Big


Super Skunk


Think Big is now 26 days old and is looking gorgeous since being topped. She has really sprung up and you can already see some nice branches coming from where she was topped. I'll give her another week or so before beginning some LST but so far she's looking very nice.

Super Skunk has is 17 days old and was moved to the main grow cabinet with Think Big a few days ago. You'll see below that she is still looking a bit strange and a lot weaker than Think Big was at this age, so I'm pretty sure she wont be topped. I will do some LST however so we'll see how she goes. You never know, she may just turn in to a monster. Here's hoping ;) lol


Think Big


Super Skunk

Looking good, i like the topped plant! The lil freaky skunk might just surprise you. Happy growing

Think Big is now 31 days old, had her first lot of LST yesterday and she is looking happy as Larry. However I have confirmed that the rust spots are due to calmag deficiency as they have appeared on some of the new leaves. So far she has had two feeds with 1ml/L of CalMag added but will boost that up to 1.5ml/l next feed as she seems to want it.

Super Skunk is looking much better now too, still a little wonky but much better than she was. She is now 21 days old and I was even considering topping her this afternoon as she looks like she could handle and is still young enough (just). I think I might just let her go though cause I'm not exactly sure where to cut, she kinda looks like she was already topped cause of the way the top two branches have split. Take a look and let me know what you guys think! @autobeast would love your expert opinion on this one if you would be so kind ;)

I'm looking to get a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent in the next week or so due to the weather really starting to heat up and I think I can keep things at a better temperature if I bring them inside the house as apposed to being in the garage. But will have the same setup for everything else so the girls may have a new home soon. I'll post pics once it happens.


Think Big


Super Skunk


Think Big is now 34 days old and looking very strong. I have been tying down branches every day and they keep springing up very quickly which is a good sign, she seems like a very happy girl. The rust spots seemed to have stopped too, I can't find any on any of the newer growth over the past week so I think the added calmag did the job.

Super Skunk is looking much better now too, although still a little wonky. She does appear to have split herself which is interesting, but growth is a bit all over the place. Her stem is quite thick and strong though and there is a lot of growth happening each day. So I'm pretty sure she is relatively happy, just not the most beautiful looking lol. I'll give her another few days and start some LST to see what happens, hopefully I can get some extra bud sites growing off the main stems.


Think Big


Super Skunk


Think Big is 39 days old today and looking gorgeous as can be! All leaves are looking very green and all bud sites now have nice little pistols appearing. Her stem and branches are thick and strong so I'm looking forward to seeing what this girl can produce over the next few weeks! :)

Super Skunk has had a large growth spurt over the past week and is looking a lot stronger. However still looks kinda anorexic, especially compared to her sister. Either way, she appears to be growing nicely as all her leaves have a nice colour and all bud sites are starting to show pistols. I started a little LST over the past week as she seemed strong enough and ended up bending her top two branches that she split herself today. I'm hoping this may produce some more bud sites as she is leaving a little to be desired there but we'll see how she goes.

I have also begun germinating two more seeds today and will have a new journal going for those once they sprout, so keep an eye out for that in the coming week or so.

I'm hoping to have the new tent next week but work has fucked me over with pay this week. As long as everything is fixed up next week I should have the tent by Friday but will keep you guys updated. I really want to get the girls inside and away from the coming heat over the next few weeks. Coming in to summer this year looks like it is going to be a very hot and dry one.


Think Big


Super Skunk
