Grow Room First timer grow HomeBox 250w CFL - 2x AK-47

Sep 26, 2016
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Hey folks and welcome to my first grow-journal! I will not update this daily but hopefully somewhat weekly :)

As the title says: This is my first time growing and I've chosen autoflower seeds since my research tells me this is the easiest way to grow for your own use.
I will also use this opportunity to mention that this is for mostly medical purposes.

With this post/journaI want to learn and I would appreciate if you guys gave me some input on my setup and pictures.

My plant(s) is now 30 days old since she popped up. Her life cycle is between 9-10 weeks. (60-70 days)

My setup:

HomeBox Evolution Q60
2x 125w CFL 6400K
2x 125w CFL 2700K
18L (4,75 gallon) medium with soil/perlite. 1/3 perlite & 2/3 soil.
1x Intake-fan
1x Exhaust-fan
1x Carbon-filter
2x CFL reflectors
1x BioThrive Grow
1x BioThrive Bloom
1x BioBud Bloom Booster
1x Hesi Root Complex
2x Royal AK-47 Feminized seed

18/6 light-schedule.

I have heard that 250w CFL light should be enough for 1-2 plants.(?) Instead of one really big, I went for 2x 125w so I maximize the light.

The carbon-filter is way too heavy and big so I can't have it hanging from the ceiling as intended. :frowny:Hopefully it will do the job by how it is placed now. I can't smell a thing now, at least.

I laid 2x AK-47 Auto flower seeds into a glass of water for 10 hours before I placed them gently in the medium.

Yes, I know, I did a huge mistake by using 1 medium for 2 seeds. Next time I will only use 1 seed pr. medium. Lesson learned.

For the grow-phase I used 2x CFL 125w 6400k bulbs which I changed to 2x 125w 2700k bulbs when they started they to shoot out white pistils. I changed them 1 by 1 (2 days interval) so hopefully it didn't shock the plant(s) too much.

I struggled a bit in the beginning with heat caused by our beloved mother earth, so the temperature in the box peaked at 33 celcius during several days. That is not the case anymore, but as far as I know, the plant(s) did have a bumpy start caused by that. They barely grow during that week. Now it is stable between 20-25 celcius, which is good! For some days ago I noticed some heat-stress on the tip of some leafs so I moved the lights a bit more from the plant(s).

I am not sure if you can see the second plant on the other pictures below, but here it is, hehe.. I know I shouldn't expect anything from the little one, and I don't. :thumbsup:


Let's scroll down to the winner of the medium-fight!

Harvest time is in 5-6 weeks and I really don't know what to expect in yield..





I will update this journal with new pictures in replies below when we all have matured a bit:cool1:

Thanks for reading and have a great day!
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Dude for a first run you are killing it!
Just keep doing what you are...
Dude for a first run you are killing it!
Just keep doing what you are...

Thanks! I am not sure if I do this correct, but I do feed them every other day with nutrients. It seems that the soil is rather neutral since the plant has not given any signs of over-feeding.. Should I continue with this? I have read that if the plant gets used to a lot of nutrients you can pump it up a lot during its life as long as the plant don't get burned.

looking great, for the carbon filter you could have it setup as a blow through and located it outside the tent, that way you can suck the hot air from the top of the tent and exhaust it out though the filter, it isn't as effective but pretty close, if still running into heat issues.

Also running two plants in the same medium is perfectly fine, but the issue that can arise is one plant can outgrow the other which you've already found out, but absolutely nothing wrong with it.
looking great, for the carbon filter you could have it setup as a blow through and located it outside the tent, that way you can suck the hot air from the top of the tent and exhaust it out though the filter, it isn't as effective but pretty close, if still running into heat issues.

Also running two plants in the same medium is perfectly fine, but the issue that can arise is one plant can outgrow the other which you've already found out, but absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Hey and welcome to my journal!

Okay, do you mean like a "reversed" carbon filter? good idea.:d5: Unfortunately, I don't have enough space around the tent/growbox (it is located inside a medium sized closet) so the carbon filter cannot be on the outside.
Hopefully I won't run into any heat issues again before next summer :cool1:

On the first picture you can see the tube that blows fresh air on the plant when its sealed. I really hope that is sufficient..

Yeah, next time I will just plant one seed in the medium. Especially if her sisters gets around the same size :thumbsup:

This is how she look today, 33 days since she popped up from the surface:

She have some red stems as you can see on some pictures. Is this normal, or is it lack of Nitrogen? If yes what should I do? Right now I use BioThrive Bloom (2-3-4). I changed from BioThrive Grow (3-1-6) when she started to flower. Should I go back to Grow nutrient for a little while or should I get myself some dedicated Nitrogen nutrient? I've read that lack of certain nutrients may give signs such as red stems.






And again, thank you very much for reading!
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Just a touch of nute burn on some of those leaf tips there. I would back off the nutes a tiny bit/ mix the same amount with a bit more water.