I think leveling out the reservoir was what these girls needed, but the one where all the water collected (last pictured) is struggling but hasn't given up quite yet. First pic is baby girl from the top down (so pretty!). The rest are her younger sisters in no particular order.
Quick question: Are these yellow spots a significant sign of anything or just are they just shedding their seedling coat?The second one pictured is the runt of the bunch; she's made some progress and is still hanging in there. The other 4 girls have single root strands measuring ~3.5in and are steadily stretching.
@ballzbeard hi I just kinda popped on your thread because I planted Early miss a day ago and I am worried because when I germinated both seeds they didn't have long tap roots after 2 days but I planted anyway. How long did it take for your girls to pop up?
Took 2 days for the first one to pop and another day or two for the rest. The girls were stunted for various reasons but here they are at day 43. Good luck with your grow, man!
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