Hi Jackson! To be honest, I start my babies in solo cups, but then transplant to bigger pots, so I am rather clueless myself!

I am doing my first FULL GROW in a solo cup now, makes me both excited and scared at the same time. I searched "solo cup" here on the site and read tons of threads from people growing in solos. (how to water, funky stands for the cups...etc) You can learn SO MUCH from others, especially the ones who are not afraid to post their mistakes!! (lets you know you are not the only one!) I think for your first time attempt your ladies are doing wonderful!!
Come search through the
SeedStockers thread and check out all the wonderful grows by different people in the Wedding Glue solo cup challenge.
You are on the BEST site on the internet for growing. No judgement, just awesome friendly sharing peeps.
In regard to your recent grow, are you feeding enough MC grams per gallon? I would recommend at least 3g at this point?? I usually start my babies around 1-2g/G then increase over time. However, ManOGreen is da man for nutes, and StTom is the solo cup master, LOL. Their advice is golden.