New Grower First Time - Royal Dwarf / White Widow Auto (Dinafem)

Oct 3, 2018
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Hey guys,

These are 25 days old. White Widow is in the center with the other 2 being Dwarves.

Would love to know what you think, especially about what's up with the girl on the left.


I'm assuming it's pH related as I had my meter arrive today and it read the pH as 7.5, I've used white vinegar solution to bring it down but I didn't use enough (down to pH of 7) so will have to try again next watering. Should I flush before next watering (I'm a real noob when it comes to flushing)

Should I move her onto bloom nutes? She's only 25 days old but I've read Muddy's guide here and that says to wait until Week 5/6.

I did have some issues with the WW in the early days, she was quite pale and her leaves were a weird leathery texture with some odd discoloration. I figured this to be a lack of nutrients as I'm using Plagron Glorious Green 100% Terra Lightmix which is very light.

I look forward to your replies.
hi and :welcome: @GirthWindAndFire :pass:im a smoker not a grower,someone will likely say cal/mag,a lotta times its right.but if ph is off it needs fixed first.
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

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start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
Hi and welcome! :welcome:

Get your ph right and a little cal/mag and you should be good! :headbang:
been lurking for some time or first day here ?
Hi Archie, I've come and gone in times before but never registered an account. Look forward to being a member of this community.
Get your ph right and a little cal/mag and you should be good!
Thanks Need4Weed, she's already feeling much better with water at ph 7, I'll get it down to between 6.5 - 7 next watering. Hopefully won't need the CalMag as I know there is Ca and Mg in my nutes (Ionic Grow) and I think she was probably just starting to lock out.

Do you think she should be switched to bloom nutes? She's only near the end of Week 3, Muddy's guide says to wait until 5/6 but I'm not sure if she was maybe stressed into flowering early or something. It's difficult for me to measure the vetical growth but I do think there has been a little between now and yesterday. WW in the center has pushed up a bit since yesterday and is looking structurally a little more like the RD on the left now.
Hi Archie, I've come and gone in times before but never registered an account. Look forward to being a member of this community.

Thanks Need4Weed, she's already feeling much better with water at ph 7, I'll get it down to between 6.5 - 7 next watering. Hopefully won't need the CalMag as I know there is Ca and Mg in my nutes (Ionic Grow) and I think she was probably just starting to lock out.

Do you think she should be switched to bloom nutes? She's only near the end of Week 3, Muddy's guide says to wait until 5/6 but I'm not sure if she was maybe stressed into flowering early or something. It's difficult for me to measure the vetical growth but I do think there has been a little between now and yesterday. WW in the center has pushed up a bit since yesterday and is looking structurally a little more like the RD on the left now.
Id wait a week before adding bloom nutes, but someone else may think different! :headbang: