Mephisto Genetics First Time Mephisto Tent Grow

@lunarman thanks man.

Yes I will do organic soil like I do for outdoor and hopefully same compost is suitable. I tend to use Guanokalong soil mix o'r biobizz allmix, starting in seed compost o'r light. I also generally use the Guanokalong nute range and have had Fantastic results Outdoor with it. Also used bio tabs last year to great effect. And yes water source is no problem. Generally ph neutral aswell. I don't test soil for ph. Should I start? Thanks again guys
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*** Also absolutely no idea why 22/2 lol. I thought I had read that was a good balance between 24 and having some darkness. But I will go with you guys advice and run a 24/0 set up.
I would get a PH tester for the soil. And a probe that goes in the soil, not one of them electronic meters that measure runoff.

This is the one that most people get. It's excellent.

Control Wizard Accurate pH8 Soil pH & Moisture Meter
Hello AFN,

got everything going and as expected have encountered small problems along the way that I am slowly fixing.

I'm slightly worried about my seedlings. I didn't set up a seedling grow room and they had to go straight under the 240w Telos 0008. I will in future but tryin to see these ones through as they so special. They seem fairly healthy except for leaf curling (see picture). I've decided its the humidity? so I have purchased a humidifier. Hoping somebody on here can crack it with my basic pictures. Also light distance? I'm worried they are stretching as I usually raise them on the window sill to go onto outside, so stretching is normal.

I'm still trying to get my head around an Indoor setup, so please feel free to point out any obvious or amateur flaws. The Temp sits at around 22 Celsius and humidity is at 30%. I think maybe slighty too cool and not quite humid enough?

Thanks for your guidance fellas

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If you are not growing that many plants I don't think you need a seedling room. A tray and humidity dome and maybe a T5HO with reflector for on top of the dome and you can put that anywhere in your house or possibly in your main grow area but away from the big lights.

Did you germinate in paper towels or right in those pots? 34% RH should be OK. But again that humidity dome and tray is probably better for the first 10-14 days of the seedlings life. Or just put a DIY dome over the pots you have now. Clear plastic cups with a couple of holes maybe.
Hi guys, on day 22 with the Samsquanch OG and Cosmic Queen (left). Seems to be going ok if not slightly short.

I'm wondering what distance the Telos 8 should be at this stage. I think to start it may have been too close and for a day or so too far. I'm still trying to work things like this out. I would say it's roughly 60cm away from canopy at the moment. Thanks
Day 41 and I'm happy with the progress and starting to believe I will actually harvest something from first indoor grow!

The door really opens when you move inside. After years of outdoor restricted to a handful of reliable yielders, it's great to able to buy any seeds I like and grow them!