Mephisto Genetics First Time Mephisto Tent Grow

Nov 12, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Critical+, Jack 47, Serious Kush
Hi guys,

Not sure if this is where I should introduce myself, if not please direct me to correct section! thanks.

Been told by a couple of fellow enthusiast (@derek420colorado , @Coffee&Kush) to get on here and start reading.

I am setting up my first indoor grow tent as I have always been an outdoor grower (photo and auto) this is all very new to me, but I want to nail it as best as possible. Ive never been tempted to do indoor but after seeing what the guys on here have produced (Amazing) and frankly being exposed to Mephisto for the first time means I cannot resist the idea of an indoor garden for the first time in my growing life of 10 years. MEPHISTO 365 DAYS A YEAR! WOW!

I understand basic set up in Tent, Light, air flow in, air flow out, carbon filter, climate control

So far I have purchased a Budbox 150x150x200 white and Telos 0008. I know the Telos is a proven product and I've heard there is not much difference in grow tents.

What's the deal with heating a grow tent? I live in a fairly cold environment and wondered how to regulate the temperature. I have some money to spend but nothing extravagant, but willing to pay for decent products that make my life easier. Also odour control is very important. I will be running 22/2 cycle I've heard that is good? any recommendations please, please help!

I cannot wait to get started!!! I've got Samsquanch OG and 4 Assed Monkey begging me to germinate them!!

Thank you AFN. so glad to be on board.

Outdoor Aromas @OutdoorAromas
Hi guys,

Not sure if this is where I should introduce myself, if not please direct me to correct section! thanks.

Been told by a couple of fellow enthusiast (@derek420colorado , @Coffee&Kush) to get on here and start reading.

I am setting up my first indoor grow tent as I have always been an outdoor grower (photo and auto) this is all very new to me, but I want to nail it as best as possible. Ive never been tempted to do indoor but after seeing what the guys on here have produced (Amazing) and frankly being exposed to Mephisto for the first time means I cannot resist the idea of an indoor garden for the first time in my growing life of 10 years. MEPHISTO 365 DAYS A YEAR! WOW!

I understand basic set up in Tent, Light, air flow in, air flow out, carbon filter, climate control

So far I have purchased a Budbox 150x150x200 white and Telos 0008. I know the Telos is a proven product and I've heard there is not much difference in grow tents.

What's the deal with heating a grow tent? I live in a fairly cold environment and wondered how to regulate the temperature. I have some money to spend but nothing extravagant, but willing to pay for decent products that make my life easier. Also odour control is very important. I will be running 22/2 cycle I've heard that is good? any recommendations please, please help!

I cannot wait to get started!!! I've got Samsquanch OG and 4 Assed Monkey begging me to germinate them!!

Thank you AFN. so glad to be on board.

Outdoor Aromas @OutdoorAromas
Welcome bro! I see your in good company, there is a live intro section it's the first 1 in the list of sections above love stoner talk. Anything Mephisto can be in this section, but if you want to introduce yourself to everyone do it in live intro section. Good luck your gonna have a lot of fun here any questions feel free to ask.
@Mcdee , Many thanks bro! Amateur forum user aswell so don't want to clog up the wrong feeds. If this thread is out of place here let me know or maybe saved by fact it's Mephisto specific ha.
@Mcdee , Many thanks bro! Amateur forum user aswell so don't want to clog up the wrong feeds. If this thread is out of place here let me know or maybe saved by fact it's Mephisto specific ha.
Your good man, most won't care good folks here. I would think most here have done or do Mephisto so your family lol.
Man as long as your lights are on 18+ hrs your good. I have to ask why 22/2? I have done 20/4, and am doing 24/0 (That's what Mephisto runs) now. Liking the 24 good growth. I believe, not sure most ruderalis grow where it's light almost all of the time with little darkness. Which is why i like the 24/0 it is more natural. Some are experimenting with different times and amounts but I haven't seen any results from them yet. You can do 12/12, but will hurt your yield. In the end, if your happy with the quality and quantity then you did everything right. Don't worry what someone else got, or anything else. If your good, it's good. There is always more than 1 way to do things. Enjoy the experience of the process of creating. If you learn 1 new thing every grow your on your way. Enough talk, let's get growing hahaha!
If your worried about temps,try running your lights 24/7...if still not warm enough,lower the lights a touch,if that fails,put an oil filled radiator in there to bump temps up.
For heating I would say part of how you handle that depends on whether you have easy access to monitor the tent and temperature. If you can check in person whenever you want that's great. Or hook up a $50 IP camera in the tent and point it at the thermometer and view the temps from your phone. If you can do that I would say an oil based heater is good. I have 2 of them and neither one really has a set and forget thermostat that I can trust to keep the heat regulated. So I watch it from my phone. My tent is in an unheated insulated garage. So I do need extra heat in the winter.

If you can't constantly or easily check temps and you have some HID lighting that will be partly heating your tent and you need to supplement with another heat source and you a thermostat that is totally reliable so it will turn on what lights go off or temp drops, and turns off when not needed, please let me know what you bought to be able to do that!
Wow thanks for the response everyone. So much friendly help. It's great.

I have a 240w LED light.Grow northern Telos0008, I believe they produce very little heat? Also I will have free and constant access to the tent so that won't be a problem. I plan to monitor it at all times. I live in a very rural area so not often away from home. Heater is taken on board and will buy one even if don't end up using. I know there is a learning curve with everything thing new but really want to nail this first crop! I feel I'm capable of TLC plants require but completely lost in he technical side of indoor growing. Hope some of the experts in here can carry me through haha.

One more question, do you need a fan pulling air in and out? 2 seperate fans? I was looking at hyperfans but can't afford to buy 2, also the phresh inline filter has taken my fancy? Is there any need for this on a small scale?

Have you decided on medium? Hydro? Soil? What kind of pots?

What nutes are you looking at?

And you have a well for water right?

Tools/electronics. You will want some way to measure PH and parts per million/EC.