New Grower First time growing outdoors without a greenhouse!

Mar 9, 2014
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Hey everyone,
its been a while since I've made a thread on here. My last thread was my first grow ever, and I grew Northern Lights auto. Unfortunately, since then some unfortunate circumstances came up and I can't grow inside anymore.

I'm planning on growing outside this season, but I want to plan and really get ready for it before the time comes. I don't have access to a greenhouse, and the warm season is fairly short where I live. Any tips would be appreciated!

I live in New England, so it's really cold outside right now, I'm not sure when the optimal months to grow outdoors are without a greenhouse. Around May is when it starts to get significantly warmer outside. Anyone have any ideas when would be a good time to start?

Also, I'm planning to grow in my own soil still, in my last grow I used a Happy Frog, perlite, and lime mixture.

My main questions are, when should I start growing season wise outdoors? What strains are better to grow outside? How do feeding schedules differ in outdoor grows than indoor grows? Should I begin growing in a pot like I would inside, and transplant to the ground afterwards at the risk of causing stress? Or should I leave it in a pot it's whole life?

Happy growing!
march-april is probably a good time to start
(or look in your garden when new plants start growing etc.. is a good indicator, nature is the best guide)

Directly into the ground looks the best way to me.
But I'm not an outdoor grower yet so I don't really know a lot.
Will this be guerrilla or in a controlled environment? Id recommend planting in the ground if possible, you will get bigger plants and they will less sensitive to mistakes you might make, like over or under watering. Till or turn the soil whenever it is thawed and dry enough to do without being muddy. Mix in some organic fertilizers and peat a few weeks before you plant. You can start indoors, but its not necessary and might impact your overall yield. Dont plant too early. Last year I planted some plants early and they didnt do much at all, I think because the soil was still too cold. I replanted at the end of june and those did much better!
Greeting growgirl!

My main questions are, when should I start growing season wise outdoors?
The best time to put Cannabis starts outdoors is whenever you or others in your area put their tomatoes outdoors. If you are not sure, you can find out from your local agricultural extension agency. It is free and you can just call them.

What strains are better to grow outside?
If you are planning on growing auto-flowers, any strains will be fine. I have found, and this is just me, that autos do not do well in our Northern Climates. They do better with supplemental lighting. I personally like fast finishing photo and semi auto strains. I have found very good success from strains from RCMC and more specifically strains from HighRise. I know that Sweet Seeds have some nice fast finishing photos as well. I have never grown their strains before.

How do feeding schedules differ in outdoor grows than indoor grows?

It is no different from indoors if you are using liquid nutrients. I make my own TLO/supersoil, but also used Espoma organic dry ferts last year with VERY good results, and super easy.

Should I begin growing in a pot like I would inside, and transplant to the ground afterwards at the risk of causing stress? Or should I leave it in a pot it's whole life?
If you are growing Autos, then yes leaving in the pot would be best. If it is fast finishing photos or semi autos, then you can (and I do) start them indoors 6 weeks or so, and then transplant them outdoors. If you have gofers or other critters underground, then I would suggest transplanting them in larger containers.

Hope this helps. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask here, or you can PM me.

All the best to you and your outdoor grow.

I do an outdoor grow each spring in Upstate New York ... I start the plants indoors in 1 gal Root Pouches ... then plant the root pouch in ground when the time is right .... I'm on a schedule so I only have three weeks from seed to outdoors ... if I had more time I'd start mid April and set outside in pouch in ground first week of June ... you need a very sunny spot ... anything less will be a tall stringy plant ... good luck w/ your grow.

I think you'd find this thread to be relevant ...
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