New Grower First time growing help with water schedule

Need advice just checked ph on my vegg nutes it reads 6.2 and my distilled water is at 6.8 im sure my distilled water is find should i raise the ph on the vegg nutes is my question?
Curious to know how is your hobby Today after so long ?
Hi im new at growing i have a plant in just coco need help with when to water and if to feed the same amount of nuts each feed.cheers.
Using Fox Farms and Happy Frog soil 10 days in and in tent in 5 gallon bag,can these auto go to maturity without nuts?
Hi hon. From my experience, they will not go the whole grow without nutes. Happy frog will carry them a few weeks, then maybe transplant them into Ocean Forest which is a little hotter? My first grow I did just that, but still needed to add bloom nutes (tiger bloom) at about week 5 as even the Ocean Forest soil depleted.
