New Grower First time growing help with water schedule

Dec 21, 2012
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Hello fellow afn members I would just like to make
Sure I am understanding everything needed so I don't over feed my plants
I will be growing 1 Purple Kush auto 1 double diesel Ryder
And one Super Cali haze auto

I will plan to keep lights on 18/6 for 4 weeks then 12/12 for
Another 4 weeks for the purple and diesel iknow the Cali haze
Will take longer
And for my water schedule I plan on watering straight distilled water
For the first week then add vegg nutes at week 2 until week 5 or 6
Then introduce tiger bloom until week 8 then big bloom or should
I combine tiger bloom with big bloom all fox farm nutrients
All advice is welcome especially if you have grown these strains before
Don't switch to 12/12 bro. Keep that 18/6 schedule for whole grow.
You really don't have to change the light schedule like jslonaker12 said as for the watering and stuff what is your setup?
No need to change your light schedule. I'd set them on 20/4 and leave them there. Only photo sensitive plants need to be switched to 12/12 in order to induce flowering. When to start feeding and how much depends on the soil you are using. Tell us what you've got and we can make a recommendation.
Thanks for all the quick replies I will be growing indoors lights cfl
Soil pro mix and nutrients fox farm trio soil
Yup, no need for 12/12 with Autos. 18/6 or 20/4 is fine. That SCH might, get big on ya. :D What size space/tent are you growing in?

Promix BX or HP? Either way, just plain water for the first 10+ days, then introduce veg nutes at 1/4 strength or lower and slowly work your way up, as not to burn them. Just follow the FF feeding schedule, but start light at first. :D
Yes thanks squid space is bout 2x3x7 and
I'm still a novice so i do have the ff schedule
However I do not understand it smh
Pro Mix has some starter nutrients but they will be used up pretty quickly. Start a very mild feed of Grow Big at around 10-12 days, about 1/8th the recommend strength. Slowly increase that to 1/4, then 1/2 strength. Keep them on Grow Big till vertical growth stops, usually sometime around week 5-6, then switch over to the bloom nutes. Take a look at this, it should give you a better idea what to expect from your plants.
Thanks muddy and i have seen that thread and read it a thousands times i just dont want to over feed my ladies
or under feed for that matter and i saw your sch grow that shit was huge bro i can only hope to atleast get 4 ounces
off my sch thanks for all your help guys p.s my seeds came yesterday im going to plant the purple kush first started the shot glass method will post pics once the purple lady is in the ground and breaks the surface
It would be hard for someone to tell you how much/often to water/feed, as it would all depend on what part of the cycle, heat and humidity.
My fist grow I too was scared to over water, and ended up with just 3/4 oz off each one, second time I gave them about 4x the water and guess what, i got 2 ounces off each one.
I water mine untill you get a little run off, then wait till they are dry again (about 4-7 days for me)
I`m only on my 3nd grow so no expert, I`d say don`t be affraid to water them, just let them dry out before you hit em again.

Good Luck