Outdoor First time growing autos and outdoors

@thetreeman you dont germinate the seeds? Just directly sow them? How do you keep the ground moist ,isnt that very important for seeds to sprout?
In the ground holds moisture better than pot. I plant seed direct into grow pot in the greenhouse, I use sprayer to mist soil, I'm always here so easy to keep eye on dryness, also I cover gh with 40% shade cloth while germing and seedling, I plant very shallow, up in 3-6 days
I usually soak them overnight and water a bit when they are planted, maybe a cup of water / seed.

I have so much seed I think I might try this out...something I have never done is sow directly into the ground.
In the ground holds moisture better than pot. I plant seed direct into grow pot in the greenhouse, I use sprayer to mist soil, I'm always here so easy to keep eye on dryness, also I cover gh with 40% shade cloth while germing and seedling, I plant very shallow, up in 3-6 days

How is you germ % survival rates? Pretty good? I guess having easy access to them allows you to keep it nice and moist. What kind of temps do you have in the greenhouse during germination/early growth?
I have so much seed I think I might try this out...something I have never done is sow directly into the ground.
go for the gusto 912. Years ago, growing photos in N Cal, seed in ground, of course very different from your environment and mine. Well prepared like you said, and if you mound up your bed some it will warm up quicker, I'm going to move a couple out from greenhouse, takes so long for soil to warm, even a raised bed, quicker start from greenhouse, and of course speed is all when racing with the Ice Queen, lol
How is you germ % survival rates? Pretty good? I guess having easy access to them allows you to keep it nice and moist. What kind of temps do you have in the greenhouse during germination/early growth?
Germ rate is so fucking good you know right away if you got a dudd. Over last 2 grows I'd say 94-96%. Biggest prob is keeping greenhouse cool enough, learned this very first auto grow, baked off half of my seed, lol. A cloudy spring, easy, blazing spring needs shade cloth and lots of misting. Temps in gh 45 to 85F, once they are on their way seem to really dig the heat, usually have a stiff breeze blow right through. When wind stops, gets real hot, soil surface 85. I use woven poly greenhouse fabric, on a real hot day when I come from direct sun into gh I can immediately feel the intensity moderate.
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Germ rate is so fucking good you know right away if you got a dudd. Over last 2 grows I'd say 94-96%. Biggest prob is keeping greenhouse cool enough, learned this very first auto grow, baked off half of my seed, lol. A cloudy spring, easy, blazing spring needs shade cloth and lots of misting. Temps in gh 45 to 85F, once they are on their way seem to really dig the heat, usually have a stiff breeze blow right through. When wind stops, gets real hot, soil surface 85. I use woven poly greenhouse fabric, on a real hot day when I come from direct sun into gh I can immediately feel the intensity moderate.

That's awesome!! I have to admit, the only time I am scared for a plant anymore is during the first 2 weeks, but especially during the first week.
perspective on "cold" earth, first summer at present campsite while building cabin, dug 1,5' deep hole for frig, stayed about 40F all summer!