New Grower First time growers help

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What's up I have12 grow pots going I have 9 bio diesel and 3 la divas I just transfered dem to my ebb &, grow system and they don't seem to be doing well. They are in day 10. Trying to get some pics up but I'm on my phone right now.

If you could post a picture, I am sure someone around here can help out. But those who can help generally need to see the problem.

We'll need more information before we can help.

Res temp
Room temp
What nutrients and what strength
pH of the nutrient solution
We'll need more information before we can help.

Res temp
Room temp
What nutrients and what strength
pH of the nutrient solution

Res temp was 27c I realized dat was too hot and corrected that
Room temp is 74f
57 ml of advance nutrients voodoo juice only in a 30 gallon res (quarter strength)
Before the feeding cycle my my pH was at 5.7 after it drains back to da res it goes up to 6.0 ppm stay at 200
I leave my humidifier on allday to keep it at 50%
I was also feeding 3 times a day every 6hr+ but since posting dis up I'm thinking about once a day
When i top off water in my res should I top with regular ro water or with pH adjusted water??????
I'm not a hydro grower but wanted to get the basic info so someone can help you. No worries, we'll get your questions answered.
How many days have they been in the system?
When you flood them, how high are you flooding them? For how long?

I wouldn't recommend dropping to only once a day maybe just twice but from my own flood/drain experience I've never went below 3x/day cycle @15mins. As the plants get bigger, you'll need to increase the number of times.

Rez temps are too high.

I top off the rez with just water (if you have RO that would be good), adding nutes when the ppm drops too low (too low depends on age of plants). Shouldn't need to pH water, unless the water you're adding in has some crazy high or low pH.

200ppm is a bit low for 10day old plants, I would raise it to about 300-400. I usually start at 200ppm the first week and increase by 100ppm every week until last two weeks then just keep topping off with just water (no nutes)

Ive had them in since friday and they seem to look as if they are getting over watered the leafs started to look droopy. As far the rez water temp it has been corrected and it is now at 19 degrees Celsius i was flooding for 15mins @ 3 times a day (reaching half way) the light is about 3 feet away from plant using a 1000w hps. how should i go about raising the ppm? Atm the only thing in my rez is voodoo juice and current ppms are at 230 and i am using RO water (the Ph is usually 7.0). thanks for the help
Seems like there's no help here for you

Patience is always warranted in these situations. All the advice given is freely given, when it is convenient to those giving it.
People offering advice here, are doing so for the love of the hobby.
Just because someone finds themselves asking for help, doesn't mean everyone qualified to give advice is going to stop what they are doing and answer immediately.
I find that most my questions get answered within 24 hours. Better than I get from a lot of places that I am paying to help me.
They certainly don't deserve snide comments.