New Grower First time grow

Won’t be long now :)


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Also have increased the UV-B. I run it 10-15 minutes at 1pm, 2 pm and 3 pm. It’s one notch on the timer and I am not sure if it’s 10 or 15 minutes per notch. Have notched a big increase in frostiness since the increase.
First tangerine dream is in the dark. I placed ice on top of the soil and gave her a drink and stuck her in the dark. She has been in the dark for 24 hours and it looks like she has been snowed on. Frosty as hell!!! Going to give her another day or two in the dark then it’s harvest time. Second tangerine dream I gave a ice water bath to her but kept her in the tent. Going to repeat one more time to see if that makes any difference between the two.


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Tangerine # 1 cut and drying. Has been drying for about 18 hours. Started out hanging in my make shift drying room but humidity has been through the roof maintaining around 80% so I trimmed them up and put them in brown paper bags in the basement. Weighed them before putting in paper bags and there was 10.2 ounces.

Tangerine dream [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is still in the tent. Last watering was yesterday. Waiting till is good and dry and will stick her in the dark for a day or two.