New Grower First Time Grow : is my grow box ideal?

Mar 11, 2015
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Hi everyone, New to the site and looking forward to my first ever grow, I am useing an old cabinet that was laying in the shed as my grow box, I painted the inside of the box white and i cut the legs of it and turned it on its end with one door opening upwards and the other downwards I though it was made for the job lol, i have 3 x 35 watt cfls at the moment how ever I will be buying a 120watt one also and putting it in,

I will be trying the ak49 auto fem from vision seeds for my first grow, I was wondering if I would have the room to grow 2 plants or just the 1 as I belive it might be to narrow for 2?

approx size of the box is 18inchs wide by 46 inchs long,

I currently have one intake fan and one output fan installed, I also have a clip fan to add aswell,
All tips and suggestions welcome, thank you for taking the time to read this. :goodluck:
All tips and suggestions welcome, thank you for taking the time to read this.

Hi MrCheech. Welcome. You should do an introduction in that section. You will get quicker replies.

Your cabinet looks like a good start. I will suggest a little more flexibility in your lights height adjustment capability. It looks like there is none with that set up unless the power cord has more play outside or you plan an adjustable shelf to raise the plant to the light, then lower in increments with the growth. IKEA like pegs to hold it in a series of holes or track will work. Running some power source for side lighting might be a good idea too.

Ah, I see what you got there. Smart idea on end like that.
Thanks Feenix I just did a introducion but I must say am not good at introductions lol, yh I just basically got it painted last night so still have to do a few adjustments yet, i was planing on wedgeing in something to set the lights out in the centre more, I was planning on putting in some box's etc maybe some old video types and lower it etc as the plant grows, also yeah I could add another lead to the sides no problem for more lights etc.

Thanks for the reply and tips, I will also be doing a grow journal once I get it going, what else would you recommend for lighting? I will be adding a 120watt cfl soon and could maybe get some more 35watts etc and maybe put one or two on the sides lower down?
Thanks Feenix I just did a introducion but I must say am not good at introductions lol, yh I just basically got it painted last night so still have to do a few adjustments yet, i was planing on wedgeing in something to set the lights out in the centre more, I was planning on putting in some box's etc maybe some old video types and lower it etc as the plant grows, also yeah I could add another lead to the sides no problem for more lights etc.

Thanks for the reply and tips, I will also be doing a grow journal once I get it going, what else would you recommend for lighting? I will be adding a 120watt cfl soon and could maybe get some more 35watts etc and maybe put one or two on the sides lower down?

Names aren't used. But call yourself whatever you want. Anyone asks a question you think requires personal info. it doesn't so don't give any. Nobody will expect any. The intro lets folks know your grow experience, plans, etc. Even in legal states there are still threats so security is always on.

I'm the wrong guy to ask about the lights. I do use cfls but handle the heat that you will run into differently. Rather than side track you off in that direction I'll suggest you visit the micro grows and other indoor cab grows to see how they deal with the fine art of heat removal balanced with the lights. How stealthy do you need to be re: odor control, will you need a filtered extraction or can you just vent to the room? There is also a formula for lumens per sq. ft. With the big bulbs around today, overkill is easy. A lot of variables will determine where you end up but knowing there are good meds in ample supply there waiting makes it worth while. The folks here will square you away.:Sharing One:
Hi Mrcheech, your box looks fine but it is only big enough for a single plant. You need to get the lights closer to the plants, something like 6-8 inches but watch your temps at the top of the plants when you move them. Relocate your lights and then put your hand level with the tops of the plants with the back of your hand facing the lights if it feels more than just warm raise the lights a little more, if it feels cool lower them a little more.

You really want your air intake to be below the top of your pots can't tell where it is currently from the pictures.

A 120 watt CFL should be fine just watch the temperature at the tops of your plants as explained above. I don't think you will need to add it until the plants are quite a bit bigger
Thanks for your in-put and help, Yeah I will be adding in some box's etc to bring the plant up closer to the light and fan and I think the air should be blowing on it then, also waiting on a clip on fan so going to add that in aswell, yeah I though I would just get one plant in there but I suppose for my first time try I would be better just trying to grow one and give it all my attention, i had seen somewhere on the forums here someone wrote your better of with one happy plant than a few sad ones lol, sounds about right.

Also regarding the 120watt cfl would use recommend I get a red spectrum 2700k or a blue spectrum 6400k ? I did read somewhere that either would do as they are autos but I have seen mixed opinons on this, I will link both lights here below:

I am looking at what soil I should use and I am looking at two different types here on amazon so I will link them below for your suggestions on which if any would be best, I was keen on the miracle grow one as it states it will feed the plant for upto six months but am a noob and not sure on this. links below

once again thank you for your help and taking the time to read this.
Since you will be using the 120 w CFL more for bloom I would go with the 2700k light.

As to soil, you really want something with little or no added nutes even if it is organic. Auto's seem to do best if they don't get any nutes for the first few weeks.
Thanks, great advice, I will hopefully have the soil by the weekend, I now have a tough decision for my first grow I have a ak49 and a white widow seed, I belive both will take around the same time to grow so Ill maybe do a lucky dip and go with that lol.

Much better choice. You will need to start feeding them after about 3 weeks so get some veg nutes or something where the first number (nitrogen) is higher than the other 2 or at least equal to the other 2 numbers like 10-10-10 or 30-10-10. You should also get a cal/mag supplement which you could start adding to your water around week 2.

Do you have a digital pH meter yet? Really important to manage the pH of you feeds, water and soil. Since your soil choice is peat based you will also probably need pH up as well as these soil types tend to get acidic over time