New Grower First Time Grow Diary - Nirvana Northern Lights auto and Royal Queen AK47 auto.

Feb 16, 2014
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Hey guys, first time poster w/ a first time grow thread. I've been lurking for several weeks in the lead-up to starting and I've learned quite a bit already from the forum, it seems like a great and helpful community.

So, first I'll outline what I'm working with. I think I have covered my bases pretty well but I'm sure you guys will have some good pointers for me.

Initial Setup:

- 336X-PRO - HydroGlow 500W LED Grow Light
- 3x3x7 grow tent
- 4 3 gallon soft pots
- Dual CFL fixture
- 50 cfm bathroom fan running through a carbon filter
- Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil w/ ~20% additional perlite added
- 2 Nirvana Northern Lights autofem seeds
- 2 Royal Queen AK-47 autofem seeds

Timeline so far:

Day 1 - 2/15 - After much deliberation between the paper towel method and straight to soil I decided to plant the seeds a knuckle deep into moistened soil, the water was PH tested and adjusted to between 6 and 7. Here we go!

Day 2 - 2/16 - Checked the soil, felt a little dry so I added a bit of water to the direct area around the seed. Turned on the fan to get some fresh air into the room, not sure if that really matters or not. Humidity is at 30%, purchasing a humidifier on Amazon to raise this a bit. Room temp stays between 70 and 80. LED light is off, CFL's are on.

Questions so far:

1. As long as the soil is damp I don't need to add any more water during the germination phase right?

2. Should I keep the bathroom fan running in the tent for fresh air or just wait until later in the grow when things get stinky?

Thanks for checking out my grow thread, I'll keep things updated frequently and hopefully end up w/ some very satisfying bud pictures in the end :).


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Jealous of your set up lol I wish I could have a setting that big for my plants, I'm using a 2 ft storage bin -_- Good luck on the grow, and I'm diggin your name haha
Thanks ha, huge edm head here. Headed to my 4th Ultra in a row in March! I've had this extra bedroom in my place for close to 3 years, figured it was about time to make use of it.
Sorry for the lack of updates I'm going to try to make it more regular, I've been traveling for work. Things seem to be going well though.

Day 14 - 3/1 - 3 of the 4 seedlings made it through and appear to be thriving quite nicely, the 4th popped but just fell over one day suddenly so I’ll chalk that one up to inexperience. I have since replaced it with another seed that should only be a few days behind it’s sisters. Temperature has been sitting at a solid 78-83F with humidity swinging from 20% to 45% since my humidifier isn’t under any sort of electric control, a bit clunky. I’ve moved the light down to ~14 inches away from the top of the leaves and set it to it’s 1/3 power setting for the moment, though I’m actually in the process of exchanging it for a smaller model more fitting for a 3x3’ room instead of my original 4x4’. The heat it’s creating is just a bit unmanageable and certainly wouldn’t work during summer here. Luckily the company is great. I’m doing small daily waterings to keep the soil around the plant moist but not soaked. My only concern is that the leaves are growing quite quickly while the stem is still very weak so I’m going to get a desk fan to move some more air around in the tent.

So excited to see my first plants starting to take shape!
