Indoor First time grow 3 different strains 1000 watt HPS

i do this on purpose like last 3wks or so..trichs love get it higher during day tho..75ish

i start right after getting roots to drop below my cups.pinch in twist is my favorite method

Thanks for tips man. Still not sure on when I want to start but hopefully soon with just alittle bit. Seeing the pinching part always made me nervous haha.

I got a tent from a friend to try and raise temps but it ended up being way to big so I'm gonna switch him for his smaller one this weekend hopefully.
Seeing the pinching part always made me nervous haha.
not as big of a deal as it seems..i start smacking mine around early.pinch n twist is lil less aggressive then knuckling if thats what yur thinking of.i got a clone thats 2wks old,i already knuckled it and it re-coopd
Looking good, you mighy want to look at getting some hard insulated foam from home depot, like 5 bucks a sheet.. It will drastically help the cold roots on the cold floor.. Work for me while i grew in my garage.. Also slowly lowering your light little by little each day will slow your stretch.. Are you going to top those ladies?
Thanks @kkeniff and @Jimmyclone. I think just for the sake of curiosity I'll try alittle lst on one of each strain just to see the differences in growth. And yeah I was planning on using the styrofoam trick once I get them in tent finally !
I kno this is auto forum but i personaly like photo's..once u get good at cloning you can actually take one branch,turn it into 2 clones and the second clone with b toppd from the start..this is my personal favorite trick.soon as it roots yur off to the races w/2 tops.
Hopefully u can zoom in and see my second can faintly see the split dead end