Hey y'all,
This is my first time growing anything but I'm sick of paying ridiculous prices for what I like to call loud mid which are basically mids that look/smell like high grade.
I like to think I'd done a fair amount of research beforehand which led me to purchasing a pack of feminized Jock Horror autos from Nirvana. Highly recommend those guys as my shipping was cheap, quick, and most importantly stealth.
I dropped two bad boys (or girls, rather) in about an inch and a half of zephyrhills water and sat it in the closet under my stairs for 24ish hours before I transferred the seeds to wet paper towels and sat them on top of my water heater for a day & a half.
I knew my tap roots would be out by then but I'd say they were well over an inch, maybe even two inches long and the seeds had popped open on both sides. I guess now would be time for my first question: am I totally screwed and do I need to germ more seeds now?
Earlier today I planted in 4 & 5 gallon pots filled with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mixed with .5 gal each of perlite then covered the pots with shower caps in lieu of saran wrap and placed them under 150w HPS on a 24/0 schedule. I was gonna use CFLs to begin with but I didn't have access to the socket adapters I'd need to set everything up so I just went with what I'd already ordered.
I'm not sure of the exact dimensions of my closet but I have the lights about two feet away from my plants with black trash bags on either side and the top rack to block light from leaking out until I get my Mylar blankets in. I have the full 11-product Fox Farms nutrients spread, but I was gonna try to use just the trio on one pot & the full 11-product spectrum on the other.
It wont let me post pics off my iPhone for whatever reason so if you guys know a different way to do it off your phone I'd appreciate it. Let me know what you guys think, if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. This site has been a big help in getting me here thus far!
This is my first time growing anything but I'm sick of paying ridiculous prices for what I like to call loud mid which are basically mids that look/smell like high grade.
I like to think I'd done a fair amount of research beforehand which led me to purchasing a pack of feminized Jock Horror autos from Nirvana. Highly recommend those guys as my shipping was cheap, quick, and most importantly stealth.
I dropped two bad boys (or girls, rather) in about an inch and a half of zephyrhills water and sat it in the closet under my stairs for 24ish hours before I transferred the seeds to wet paper towels and sat them on top of my water heater for a day & a half.
I knew my tap roots would be out by then but I'd say they were well over an inch, maybe even two inches long and the seeds had popped open on both sides. I guess now would be time for my first question: am I totally screwed and do I need to germ more seeds now?
Earlier today I planted in 4 & 5 gallon pots filled with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil mixed with .5 gal each of perlite then covered the pots with shower caps in lieu of saran wrap and placed them under 150w HPS on a 24/0 schedule. I was gonna use CFLs to begin with but I didn't have access to the socket adapters I'd need to set everything up so I just went with what I'd already ordered.
I'm not sure of the exact dimensions of my closet but I have the lights about two feet away from my plants with black trash bags on either side and the top rack to block light from leaking out until I get my Mylar blankets in. I have the full 11-product Fox Farms nutrients spread, but I was gonna try to use just the trio on one pot & the full 11-product spectrum on the other.
It wont let me post pics off my iPhone for whatever reason so if you guys know a different way to do it off your phone I'd appreciate it. Let me know what you guys think, if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. This site has been a big help in getting me here thus far!