Outdoor First time autoflower




I would like to grow 2x automazar and 2x big devil#2 in pots.
I'm a medical user...
But I'm having a hard time finding what to use as size for pots and
what soil I would use.
I would like to do it as perfect as possible so I thought why not try you're new forum on automatics.

I was thinking of 16-20 liter pots.
Soil is still a huge questionmark...

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Hello and welcome to AFN :D

will you be growing indoors or outdoors?, if outdoors what country are you in?

is auto mazar = purple mazar (flash seeds)?

have you thought about what you will be feeding them aswell?

16-20L sounds plenty enough for purple mazar (if auto mazar is the same thing), I will check on the speed devil best pot size and get back to you, unless someone else with experiance with speed decil can chime in,

once again welcome :)
20L pots will yield large plants, just so you are ready for them. Typically with autos the smaller the root space the smaller the auto.

As far as soil. It depends what you want to do. Pure organics with soil amendments will give you the best quality. But it can be messy, and is harder to maintain for newer growers. But it's nice and easy to water in nutes as well.
I don't have a URL handy, but if you search for FullDuplex's soil mix. It's a nice complete recipe, when you see his ladies you'll know, he knows his dirt :D

I have been using Promix or sunshine mix#4, as a base for my own soil. Both come with perlite already mixed in. The OEM bag of promix is also PH'd, i think the sunshine is to.

Do you have access to a grow shop?

ThX for the replies.
I am planning to grow outdoor.
I live in Belgium and have access to alien growshop located in the Netherlands.
The mazar is : Dutch Passion Auto Mazar Feminized
The other : Sweet Seeds Big Devil #2 Feminized
(Maybe Pandora from paradise seeds too but hear mixed results for this strain)

The problem I have is the soil. I just can't decide what's best to use as a medium.
1. Ordinary soil. (feed later while growing)
2. Ordinary soil enriched. (feed after 3 weeks)
3. Enriched soil + food additives.

I would use a tensiometer 2 check waterlevels.

I was thinking of :

Ordinary garden soil enriched with Plagron bio supermix. (Would like to keep it completely organic)
And then feed it a little extra when it's blooming with B.A.C. Organic Bloom.


Ordinary garden soil, buffer tabs, Symbiosis mycorrhiza, Sannie's Bacto.
And then feed it a little extra when it's blooming with B.A.C. Organic Bloom.

For germination I would use spongepots.

With no experience whatsoever it is very difficult to decide...

I don't have a URL handy, but if you search for FullDuplex's soil mix. It's a nice complete recipe, when you see his ladies you'll know, he knows his dirt :D

Thanks Bailer :thumbs: careful you know what happens when people make me blush

I think the best bet for a first time shot at some autos would be a basic soil and then water solubles as they grow.
This will teach you the basic needs of the plants. Basic cow compost will have enough "food" in it to allow them to make it to sex
after that the plant will need to be fed.

Post #5 Soil Mix

has the info on my direct mix in soil, i have something new to add but i havent tested it yet.
If you get some basic compo and add some perlite to it to lighten it up i think your first time growing will be a treat.
Then get some basic water solubles to get them through bloom. One thing i will recommend to use if you cant get anything else local
MG makes a cactus food that has the right abount of NPK in it for bloom. I have used it and it works fine just use it at a 1/4 dose
more than that it will burn burn burn....