Grow Room First PC grow: Russian Rocket Fuel (rebooted)

i have sprouts right now actually. i will be showing them off as soon as they have risen up completely. they still are stuck to their seed husks at the moment. tomorrow afternoon i am predicting. also, what you are looking at is a picture of last weeks attempt that i had to throw out due to root aphids. i restarted, went back to coco from soil, and back them off about an inch from where you see the containers in those pictures. temps are a bit high for my liking. it has been an unusually warm winter down here in zombie land. we are looking at another front passing by in the coming few days so, if i am lucky, my fans will arrive before the coolness from this upcoming front wears off and i am left with stunted babies
Sprouts are right on schedule.

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I will be feeding the outdoor lady with some 2 parts maxi bloom 1 parts maxigrow today.

Edit: just fed the outside plant and it is definatly starting a growth spurt. I wound up giving it the full gen hydro treatment and not just the powdered ferts. I gave it a shot of both subculture m and b as well. I will take another photo of it tomorrow to show how fast it is beginning to grow now. It does not mind that it is winter one bit.
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my new fans came today. i am watching temps and it is looking good so far. the top one sounds like a jet engine. i installed a controller for that one so i can dial it down if/when i need it to be quiet.

no pics today. just an update. I will have more pics when the sprouts make noticeable growth
new fans = always a good thing.

i know how that jet engine sounds like -- trust me. lol

but we have to do what we have to do to control the temps.

the speed controller should help out as well.

looking forward to the progress.

i am sure this is just because of the way you are re-arranging the boards but, i do not want my thread in lighting. please move it to the micro sub board for indoor growing. thank you

edit: it has been moved. pc grower sub forum for the win!
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Herbal! Get your thread moved! We have a sub forum just for us mini growers now! whoozah!
These little sprouts are tiny but, very healthy. They are already developing second cotyledons. Sprouts popped soil on the 10th early in the morning. I have been feeding them the same 300ppm nutrient solution i prepared before i tossed the old plants last week. They have not been burned by this at all. Heres some (bad) macros and few pics of the new fans and some of the old ones

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