Hey everyone, I recently switched from coco and nutes to an organic grow. I’m using growweedeasy’s “just add water” method. It’s a mix of ff coco loco and a super soil from Amazon. The first four pictures are of pink Panama by mephisto and the last five are of double grape from mephisto as well. Both of them are right around 30 days old give or take a few days. By the looks of it these girls look to be about done growing. I expected switching from coco and nutes that my plants would probably be smaller but by the looks of it these two seem to be about done growing and heading into full flower. These are two of the smallest plants I’ve grown by far. And I forgot to take a pic but I think the pink Panama might have a couple bananas, again something that’s never happened in over two years. The only things that come to mind that might be causing this are, that the humidity has been pretty low for the past couple weeks, below 30%. And I’ve been watering just about every 2-3 days. Until recently the bottom half of my pots wouldn’t receive much water at all if any because my plants couldn’t handle much. Without going into a long winded explanation, what could’ve gone wrong? Is it normal for these autos to grow this small in organic soil? For the most part they seem pretty healthy. Maybe a little too much nitrogen but they’ve never clawed on me so idk if that’s even the case. Could it be because the ph of my is off? I use bottled spring water. Is it normal when growing in soil for most of the pot to not be wet and to be pretty light most of the time in the beginning of grows? I really want to get away from using liquid nutes but if I’m only going to grow one foot tall plants I don’t think it’s worth it. Please anyone at all if you have any ideas as to what could’ve caused this and/or some tips to get better results using strictly organic soils and mephisto genetics. Thanks in advance for any and all of your guys’ help!