Indoor First medical auto grow 800w hps! Mi5, Easy Ryder, Thunder Bloody Mary

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If you need a password to view the photos, its '420'... Also, I was just in to check on stuff and in just the past little while, a 4th seedling is standing straight and proud. 1 of the Mi5 is nice and open and has some slight purplish in it. Still really tiny but its forming its first set of "true" leaves... looks super healthy! The others look nice and lively too! Ill get all the picture stuff sorted tomorrow.. for now.. medicine ;) then bed time!
soound good bro i try that see if it open to see your photo,till you later :peace: kudo

---------- Post added 10-04-2011 at 10:10 AM ----------

If you need a password to view the photos, its '420'... Also, I was just in to check on stuff and in just the past little while, a 4th seedling is standing straight and proud. 1 of the Mi5 is nice and open and has some slight purplish in it. Still really tiny but its forming its first set of "true" leaves... looks super healthy! The others look nice and lively too! Ill get all the picture stuff sorted tomorrow.. for now.. medicine ;) then bed time!
i put it in does open bro,i wait to you can upload :peace:
Hey Everyone! Been busy the past few days.... Everything is lookin' really good. I say really good and not really GREAT because one of the Thunder Bloody Marys has not cracked :( Everything else is GREAT! Babies look super healthy. There moving along with a little new growth every day! There color looks lush and healthy. Because the Bloody Mary didn't crack, I planted another today :) Same strain its been about 9 days since the others germinated, so this ones just gonna be a little late harvesting.. hope she is a fast finisher :/ I also put in a Blue Cheese bag seed because the Strawberry Cough bag seed was bunk. The bud it came from was great so I'm hoping its a female. Ill get pics of seedlings up tomorrow.. Current setup pics, nute line and the first seedling pics are up on Ill try to get the pics on the forum directly instead of photobucket when I upload the new pics tomorrow.
So I Tried to post the other day and it didn't go through.. my internet is super sketchy.. Any way the post was about me having given each cube a splash of ph 6.6 - 6.8ish water. I gave them a day to dry out a bit from that water and noticed that they seem to have started drinking a little :) The cubes are getting dryer faster than they were before and the closet conditions are exactly the same. I decided to water them with the same nutrient mix as their first watering but with a small drop of super thrive so they get that nitrogen the b vitamins that they need! I did drop the ph ever so slightly for this watering to 5.5-5.8 as the ph of the cubes was around 7. I wanna keep my PH around 6.2-6.5 the whole grow I guess?? Any suggestions?
As of tonight, the tap roots of 2 just poked out the bottom hardly enough to see. One Easy Ryder and one Mi-5. Im gonna take the dome out from under the cfls and move the cubes with leaves showing closer to the cfls for the night. Ill leave the dome with the unpopped cubes close by so there conditions don't change. When I wake up, I guess I'll think about transplanting them into their final homes :) I'm so excited for these girls to get big and lush under bigger lighting!
Hey everyone its day 15 from seed I think! The lady's are doing great! Some are showing multiple root tips starting to poking out the bottom of the cubes.. I was advised to let them really come out before I plant the cube in soil. The ph of the cubes is finally below 7 prob close to 6.5.. those rock wool cubes love to keep jumping up in ph... I keep giving them ph 5-5.5 h20 when I water and feed. In a few days the roots will be big enough for the soil and the cubes will be to small to matter... Everything looks super healthy. 1 of the easy ryders is a little larger then the rest of the plants... not much but it is noticeable. Also, that same plant is a little lighter in color and the roots are really starting to peek out the bottom... Its just not quite as deep and dark in color as the rest probably needs to eat more :) The bloody mary that wasn't opening, I decided to ditch. I did plant another one and it is looking super healthy! its up and open! Also, against all odds, the strawberry cough popped out! its just about to drop the seed shell. The blue cheese decided to pop at the same time!! All the plants broke through within just about a week from each other :) I hope the 2 bag seeds are female or at least 1 of them. worst case I really hope there strong males worth breeding. If so i'll get them into another home...
if these a rockwool you should ph with lower ph 24 hours before use say 5.2--5.5 as they are a alkaline as standard maybe a touch higher if going into compost say 5.8-6.0 as it will drift to 6.5

then they should then squezzed and a ph'd nutrient solution with buffer at 5.8 hydro or 6.5 soil should be applied at around qtr strength as rockwool is inert/dead (containing no nutrient)
Howdy everyone! The ph problem is still a bit of a problem.. when they dried up a bit, I gave them some ph 5.2-5.4 regular water and the runoff from them was still around 7.. There looking not far from there next watering and I'll give them a 5.0ph solution of 1/2 strength hygrozyme and maybe a little biothrive and super-thrive for basic nutrition in the rock wool. There color lightened up just a little so they can use a light feeding. Im hoping the roots really start coming out.. I trimmed up a little bit of the rock wool carefully as not to go near any roots. This will let the roots come out faster so they cant get into soil and I can fix this ph problem for real! These cubes are very in consistent in there density and ability to absorb and hold water. I love the ones that do work but I don't think I'll be using them again.. Good news is, I got an air conditioner! Its a portable 12,000 btu that is sitting outside my closet blowing to the entrance.. I leave the door open a little to let the cold fresh air come in. Im around some of the day to open the doors as needed for extra airflow or close them to keep the natural co2 in. The exhaust is up against the outtake fan in my window.. It cools my closet and the room to a cozy 70 degrees mostly all the time :) I can drop it a bit more for flowering to keep that resin coming ;)I also moved my oscillating fan from the wall in the middle of the closet to the top of the closet.. It blows the air around the whole closet so its never sitting. After all the rearrangement, the closet can close properly and I can keep the temp and humidity just fine :) Tomorrow should be a great day for these ladies!

I uploaded my browser and now it lets me click buttons on the upload pics option.. Sorry there from my cell phone.. I promise to get better ones really soon! :) please tell me what you think :) ... the pics were taken on day 15 I think.. from seed for some.. and day 7 or 8 for the others..


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if these a rockwool you should ph with lower ph 24 hours before use say 5.2--5.5 as they are a alkaline as standard maybe a touch higher if going into compost say 5.8-6.0 as it will drift to 6.5

then they should then squezzed and a ph'd nutrient solution with buffer at 5.8 hydro or 6.5 soil should be applied at around qtr strength as rockwool is inert/dead (containing no nutrient)​

i was just gonna say that... looks like you got it sussed... cheers mate!


hey there! today the plants look great! except for one.. i think she's gone :( I don't know what happened to her.. All the ladies were treated exactly the same and she couldn't handle it... she is small and the leaves fried out a bit ant the newest ones grew in super small and firm.. the stem seems to be stiffening and darkening.. i don't think it will recover from this.. All the others look nice and healthy. The color looks great on all except the biggest. It is a little light in color but is the most developed. Its just a little low in N. Next watering is a feeding. Ill make sure to up the nutes on everything being they had no problems with them before... they all have sturdy and super short stems.. no plants are over 2.2 inches.. Im worried there moving along a little slow but all looks really good and healthy so im not concerned.. it may just be that there being grown under a lot of light and they have no need to stretch out... IDK.. Ill post more pics tomorrow.. Thanks ya'll for keepin' tabs on this grow :) its much appreciated!
So last night, I went to bed real late and was thinking of watering them.. forgot.. today, some are a bit shriveled up. I don't think i hurt them cause it hasn't been more than a few hrs since they finished up their water. I just fed them there first pretty much full dose of nutes. They have been responding really well to them so far and some definitely needed more . they have just recently in the past few days started drinking water at a rate I obviously cant keep up with.. Im in there 3-4 times a day checking water levels and now they will need to be watered twice a day until their in soil so they don't dry out. Also, the air conditioner I just got is portable and sits on a box to raise it up right outside my closet. It uses water from the air to cool its self.. Unfortunately, it pulls so much out, I have to empty the drainage container every 2 hrs or so, or it switches to fan mode and my temps go up..The container needs to be lower than the unit so gravity removes the water so i cant have 2 big of a container or i need to raise the unit few feet in the air.. Guess im gonna be spending a lot of time in that room... Ill post pics of everything today. hopefully, they aren't hurt from the dry and their roots have stretched out searching for thr water and nutes they that got :)