I guess I messed up putting them in the coca I have happy frog to transplant in. 3 1\2 cu feet.i put them in the coca cause it was all I had that was nute free. Rocket seeds say grow 3 weeks in nute free soil. So I had bag of burpees coca coir pH 6 to 7 range no nute so I guessed that would work for 3 weeks till I plant in happy frog in 5 gal grow bags. I put couple of drop of superthrive in gallon jug of natural spring water the pH was at 6.9 I watered them till little before run off. I don't know cause I have the Dr. Earth premium veg gold and bloom feeding schedule I wasn't going to feed till 3rd week. Will call mag hurt them or something

I wish I didn't make this confusing for me cause of the coca.lol