First Indoor Grow - Please advise. 11 days from sprout

Apr 4, 2021
Reaction score
Strains: 2x Double Grape and 1x Three Bears OG
PHOTOS FROM 4/13 @ 12:23pm
DG#1: IMG_3530.JPG DG#2: IMG_3532.JPG 3BOG: IMG_3531.JPG

Photo's below from 7am 4/8
How I maintained humidity until my humidifier got in.

DG#1: dg1.jpg DG#2: dg2.jpg 3BOG: 3bog.jpg


  • Were/are the seedlings suffering from lack of humidity? Something is going on obviously... - I did not have a humidifier until the end of last week.
  • What is up with 3BOG and its 2 side leaves curling?
  • I am pretty sure I stressed DG#2 to mutate in the first week :(
  • When can I start giving it CAL MAG? - I plan on not introducing the other nutes until end of week 3 or any visible signs.
    But I have never used CAL MAG and not really familiar other than its meme format lol.

Grow notes

Temps: 70-80F / RH: 50-80%
Mixed soil 3/30 and filled pots then watered with 6.5ph (adjusted tap water and soaked pots and placed in tent for 24 hours.)
Began in-pot germ 3/31 @ 8pm using celefane method (never doing this again)
Sprouted 4/3 - Happy Bunny Day (last to show up around 9pm)
Feeding only adjusted 6.5ph tapwater for now.
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At this point I don’t see anything wrong with them. The yellowing on the young leaves might be normal depending on what nutrients are in your mix. The later growth looks me. I wouldn’t add anything to them at this point. Sit back and observe.
@nusi :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: You are off to a running start..............:cheers:

Get on a ladder and put the Cali-Magic on the top shelf where you cannot reach it and throw the ladder out :rofl: You will not be needing it in this grow. The Happy Frog has two long term sources of calcium and magnesium so you will have plenty.

I would take off the cup already, I used it just like a day or 2.. good luck :vibes: :vibes: :pop:
These photos are from Monday 4/19

I decided to top DG#1 on 4/18
as it was the healthiest out of the 3 and figured - why not? Let's learn. I know topping autos is a bit hectic...but I did it.


You can clearly see DG#1 responding to the topping. I also performed some leaf tucking on all 3 plants.

I am noticing some yellow spotting on 3BOG...

I think I should introduce CALiMAG to my feeding? I'm pretty sure Happy Frog only has enough food for up to ~3 weeks?
They turned out pretty good considering the rough start.
I'd wait for someone that used happy frog to reply because I've read some people say it has food for 5 weeks,
but then others say 3 weeks, so yeah... lol
If you have not given any calmag I believe you should add some every 3 weeks as prevention in soil.
They turned out pretty good considering the rough start.
I'd wait for someone that used happy frog to reply because I've read some people say it has food for 5 weeks,
but then others say 3 weeks, so yeah... lol
If you have not given any calmag I believe you should add some every 3 weeks as prevention in soil.
Ok, yeah I haven't used any calmag yet, I think I might tomorrow with another water feeding.

I can't find anywhere the damn guide that I originally made my decision to purchase Happy Frog and I remember it saying around 3 weeks...but of course, I can't find it - it didn't happen. REEEEEEE

Yeah I am surprised how they turned out from the rough start but I really won't know until I see them stretch
These photos are from Monday 4/19
DG#1View attachment 1309768
DG#2View attachment 1309769
3BOGView attachment 1309770

I decided to top DG#1 on 4/18
as it was the healthiest out of the 3 and figured - why not? Let's learn. I know topping autos is a bit hectic...but I did it.
View attachment 1309767View attachment 1309766

View attachment 1309771

You can clearly see DG#1 responding to the topping. I also performed some leaf tucking on all 3 plants.

I am noticing some yellow spotting on 3BOG...

I think I should introduce CALiMAG to my feeding? I'm pretty sure Happy Frog only has enough food for up to ~3 weeks?
Please read MoGs post. Using FFHF myself, 8/9 weeks. Not the 1st drop of cal-mag has touched them. As he posted, HF has enuff and I'm sure the nutes may already have some. Mine went 4.5 weeks before I needed to start on the MC.
Please read MoGs post. Using FFHF myself, 8/9 weeks. Not the 1st drop of cal-mag has touched them. As he posted, HF has enuff and I'm sure the nutes may already have some. Mine went 4.5 weeks before I needed to start on the MC.
What is MC?

You saying you haven't had to provide any nutrients except clean water for up to ~4.5 weeks? Wow. Ok thanks for info.