New Grower First grow, White widow in autopots

Sep 30, 2021
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Hi guys, i started my first grow. Im working with white widow auto seeds. Doing it with autopots. I just sowed the seeds a couple cm down direct in the soil and sprayed some water around the seed. Do you think thats enough? Anything i should think about or do? When do i start watering them with the autopots?


There are a lot of ways to germinate seeds and I've used yours with success. The last couple of times, I tried it with Mephisto autos and had poor germination rates. But as a new grower with 11 months experience, there's a good chance I just bungled it.

I never thought about putting an inverted cup on top - that's a really good idea. I put ziplocks loosely on top which accomplishes pretty much the same thing.
Update! Welcome girlz!
I thought i just give you guys a little update about my first ever grow. The girls just stept up above the soil yesterday so i figure this is day 1( ?) or 2. I have not yet given them any water. The only thing i have done so far is to spray’d them like 4-5 sprays with just tapwater. My autopot-system is ready to start being used as well, when do you (experts) guys think i should start watering them with nutes trough the autopots? The picture is showing the nutes im going to use in the grow. Should i start right now give the girls both terra vega and rhizotonic?? Feels to early. Im really new at this and would really appretiate some good tip have a great day everyone
Hey dude! First off all I'd like to :welcome: you to AFN. Lot's of information to be found and loads of nice people willing to help you out.
I see you're using soil in a Autopot system, which is fine. Do you have a pH pen? if not look for one which can measure to two digits behind the comma.
It's important to measure the pH of your nutrient solution. I believe it has to be 6.5 for soil (please do correct me if I'm wrong people). I'm a Coco grower and for coco the value is different.
I wouldn't give the terra vega for now. Your soil has lots of nitrogen in it... Rhizotonic you can use but dose 1/4 of the normal.


Hey! thank you so much bro! Yes seems to be lot of knowledge here. Ah okey, i got the AD14 for that hope it will do the trick. How often do you guys calibrate your AD14? And can you use the buffer solution-bags when they are already open and how do you store it? Maybe a stupid question but anyway - should i start feeding them trough the autopots? Since i haven’t given them any water beside spayed them a couple of time. And after turning on the autopot-system the plant should drink what she needs or did i miss something? Of course regulary measure pH-level and giving nutes by schedule.

Hey! thank you so much bro! Yes seems to be lot of knowledge here. Ah okey, i got the AD14 for that hope it will do the trick. How often do you guys calibrate your AD14? And can you use the buffer solution-bags when they are already open and how do you store it? Maybe a stupid question but anyway - should i start feeding them trough the autopots? Since i haven’t given them any water beside spayed them a couple of time. And after turning on the autopot-system the plant should drink what she needs or did i miss something? Of course regulary measure pH-level and giving nutes by schedule.

The pH pen is perfect. If you store the probe (ie, put a drop or two storage solution in the cap of the probe) correctly I'd say once or twice a month. It all depends on what you've done with the probe... (ie, put it in a very low pH solution will mess up the calibration).
The solution is for one time use, but you can put the contents of the baggies into clean containers and only use a shot-glass of it to calibrate. Do throw the solution away after use and don't be tempted to add it back to the containers as this will mess up the next calibrations...

About the autopots I can give you the advice to start the system after day 20. I know, we all bought the autopots so they can do their thing automatically, but you still need to give the roots the time to colonize the medium before you start the system. It is what it is :shrug:
Day 4 above ground.
Hey guys! I took a couple of pictures and wanted to know what you guys think. I just started today by spraying them with rhizotonic and water. Do you think my light is to far away from the girls? What is the proper distance? I’m using a LED Quantum Board 220W with Samsung chip.

They feels a little small don’t you think?
Day 7
Hi guys,

The first week is coming to an end and it feels great and i’m so exited to see my ladies develop! The distance between the girls and light is aprox 68cm. I still feel like they are a little bit tiny?

Should I stabilize it with some kind of tiny stick? (The last picture) feels tired.

The second last picture I’m showing were I can dim my lights. LED Quantum Board 220W with Samsung chip is the light I’m using. Does someone uses the same? I was wondering how do I know what to turn it to for example in veg is that 50%?

So much looking forward to the next week! Enjoy the pictures and if you have any advice or ideas don’t hesitate to write, so thankful for all kind people here at AFN have a good one!


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Hey pall,

They look perty as hell. Wouldn't do a thing different. First 10 days it seems that nothing is happening, but the contrary is true. Beneath the medium the roots are going wild :thumbsup:
i would lower your light a little bro I grow in autopots myself also as @AutoBobje said there are loads going on below-ground root wise and they look fine to me